Advice For The Young At Heart

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Tips For Emerging Young Entrepreneurs

London, England-based Oliver Wilkinson is the owner/founder of Europe’s largest SSL reseller – SSL247 – and also the co-founder of France’s first disruptive online recruitment company, He shares his favorite tips for emerging young entrepreneurs.

Managing Success

When it comes to getting the most out of success, there are a few suggestions that Thom Holland, CEO of Beckon, urges entrepreneurs to consider.

Salvo Global’s Six Lessons In Entrepreneurship

Directors Gale Ong and Felicia Kaw of business intelligence provider Salvo Global share six lessons from their company's entrepreneurial journey.

Benjamin Wey’s 10 Tips For Entrepreneurs

Benjamin Wey, President of private equity investment firm New York Global Group, offers 10 tips to aspiring entrepreneurs.

The Desert Less Traveled

Ross Cohen of compares running a start-up to being on a long journey across an enormous desert.

The Six Elements Of Digital Marketing Success For Authors

Fauzia Burke shares six essential elements for successful digital marketing that authors can use for a strategy that is effective, scalable and long term.

Tips To Avoid Business Failure

Although there is never a guarantee a business will be successful after taking so and so steps, a business can always reduce its risks and give it the best opportunity to succeed. Implement these tools to keep your business from failing.

Monetizing Your Platform Strategically – Go Beyond The Book

With easy-to-use, off-the-shelf publishing software, even producing a good looking book isn’t that difficult. Books are being written and published at the highest rate in history. It’s selling books that is the problem.

[Video] Musicians And Entrepreneurs, By Derek Sivers

Here's a video of a presentation given during MusicCamp SG earlier this year by serial (music) entrepreneur Derek Sivers entitled "Musicians and Entrepreneurs".

The Entrepreneur’s Battle Between Vision And The Market

One company’s story of how customers realigned their vision.

The Top Nine Challenges Of Growing an Entrepreneurial Business And How To Tackle Them

The hardest step entrepreneurs take is getting their start-up off the ground once and for all. The second hardest step is growing it into the best business it can be. What today’s entrepreneurs and aspiring entrepreneurs must remember is that a lot can be learned from the successful entrepreneurs who came before them. Professor Ed Hess provides advice on how to navigate common growth challenges derived from the many successful businesses he’s studied.

4 Tips For Entrepreneurs From LinkedIn’s APAC Head

Willis Wee of gets some entrepreneurship advice from Arvind Rajan,'s APAC head.

Be a Benevolent Dictator (And Eight More Lessons For Getting Your Stalled Start-up Off...

If you’ve been afraid to act on your great business idea, Michael Feuer says now —yes, NOW —is the time to make your move. To help you get started e offers a few of the lessons he learned building his own well-known, successful businesses.

The Creativity Killer

Business mentor John Bittleston, founder of Terrific Mentors, ponders over the idea of creativity and the essential rules surrounding it.

Main Steps To Starting A Business

You've got a business idea. Unfortunately, you don't know anything about business solutions or what you have to do to actually get your company off the ground. Don't worry:'s James Kim shares a quick walk-through.

How To Build Business Credit

When you are starting out as a business, it can become obvious pretty quickly that you need to establish some sort of business credit.

10 Things I Learned About Entrepreneurship

Willis Wee of shares ten things he's learned as an entrepreneur.

Three Start-up Lessons From The Founders of Chalkboard

Penn Olson founder and editor Willis Wee gets three lessons on running a start-up from the founders of Chlkboard, a location-based advertising service.

10 Big Businesses That Started In A Garage

These stories of companies that rose from obscurity to be multi-million (or billion) dollar industries can be a big inspiration.

Billionaires With The Best Jobs

Guys like Zuckerberg and Jay-Z are ruling the billionaires list year after year for their innovations in media, design and music.

Six Tips For Small Businesses Waiting For Economic Recovery

Business consultant Jim Muehlhausen, author of "The 51 Fatal Business Errors and How to Avoid Them", believes that even as the U.S. economy recovers, small businesses may feel the pressure ease but that doesn’t mean it’s “business as usual”.

Some Tips For Killing Giants

Marketing and branding expert Stephen Denny shares some tips on how startups can go up against bigger competition.

6 Ways To Find A $100 Million Idea

Ever wonder how entrepreneurs come up with brilliant business ideas that turn into successful companies? Robert Jordan interviewed 45 company founders, each of whom started, grew, and sold a company for $100 million or more, or took their company public for $300 million or more. Here are some of their secrets.

Get Out Of Job Jail

Are you in Job Jail? How can you tell if you're stuck in underemployment? Audrey LeGrand, author of How To Get Out of Job Jail, shares some resume health tips.

Nine Best Practices For Using Social Media To Win Your Dream Job

Author Maribeth Kuzmeski, who wrote The Connectors: How the World's Most Successful Businesspeople Build Relationships and Win Clients for Life, believes that in today’s tough employment market, your social media presence can make you or break you.

6 Steps To Take Before Starting A Business

Are you tired of working for someone else? Do you think starting your own business could get you off the unemployment line? Think again. The failure rate for new businesses within the first 5 years is as high as 90 percent.

10 Most Successful College Entrepreneurs of All Time

If you’ve got a great idea, there’s no reason to hold off acting on it until you have a degree. Just ask these college entrepreneurs.

[ADV] What Goes Into A Business Plan?

Great ideas are born out of a problem waiting to be solved and soon-to-be discovered intelligent solutions. How exactly would you be able to discern a great business plan? We say write it down!

Attention Seeking: A Guide For Startups

People need attention: it’s a normal and healthy part of life. And getting attention is marvellous: it makes you feel smart, sassy and confident and leads you to perform better in life, at work and in the bedroom. On What Employers Want In Interns

If you're a college student, you're probably aware that internships play a vital role for your success in job acquisition and retention.