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10 Life Lessons From Leading Women

To become part of the "women-helping-women" movement that's sweeping the nation, and indeed the world, we first must access our personal power, says Nancy D. O'Reilly, PsyD, an author of "Leading Women". Here, excerpted from her book, are 10 actions you can take right now.

Does America Care Anymore? How We Can Change The Answer To “Yes”.

Our stressful, hectic, overscheduled modern lives leave little room for good  old-fashioned caring. Not only does this hurt society, it’s terrible for business. Here,  best-selling author Jon Gordon explains why you should stage a caring comeback  in your organization—and offers 11 strategies to get you started.

Using CD/DVDs To Improve Your Business

Is the CD or DVD dead? No, argues Adrian F. Wilson, who says CDs can still be used by small business owners to help improve their business. He shares how.

5 Mindset Shifts You Need In 2016

No goals are attainable when our mindset isn’t right. Cat Rose Neligan of Cat Rose Design says if there’s anything she learnt from 2015, it’s that there are certain core mindset shifts she needed to start making her dreams a reality.

Doom And Gloom For Small Businesses In Singapore; Buggered By Greedy Landlords And Hypocritical...

According to a Straits Times story, 131 small businesses in Singapore closed down last year - an increase of almost 25 percent over 2007, with...

Apple And IBM Bury The Hatchet In The Collaboration Economy

If you need any further proof that the information age is dead and the collaboration age is now in full swing, bitter rivals Apple Inc., and IBM have announced that they are going to be collaborating to create approximately 100 business apps for the iPhone and iPad, Topher Morrison, author of “Collaboration Economy”.

Sluggish Summer: 3 Tips To Rejuvenate Employees And Keep Your Business At Top Performance

Workplace productivity drops 20 percent during the summer months, worker attendance decreases by 19 percent, projects take 13 percent more time to complete, and workers are 45 percent more distracted, impacting a business’s efficiency and revenues. Richard Milam, the Founder and CEO of EnableSoft Incorporated shares three tips to keep your business at top performance despite summer setbacks.

Of Choices, Accountability And Performing At The Highest Level

The Line of Choice is a defining horizontal line that categorizes the daily situations we find ourselves in and the choices we make as human beings in responding to these situations. A Players operate above that line; Rick Crossland, author of "The A Player" explains.

SEO: Quality, Not Quantity, Is The Order Of The Day

Guest blogging is a big thing in online marketing these days, but how do you escape from this post penguin, panda, dinosaur, whatsoever animal that big G unleashes against the guest blogging?

Why Do 80% Of Business Startups Fail?

It seems that most businesses fail, not due to the validity of the idea, but rather that the project was under capitalized or underfunded from the start, points out Randy Steele, author of "The Entrepreneur's Roadmap to Success".

Women, This Is Our Time: Six Ways To Take Your Power Up A Notch

Often, we allow our circumstances, routines, and self-imposed obligations to become barriers between ourselves and our dreams. Here Dr. Nancy D. O'Reilly, the coauthor of "Leading Women", offers insight into how you can reconnect with your power and create a more satisfying life.

How Your Health Impacts Your Business Success: Three Fundamentals To Obtain Clarity In Thinking

Many studies have been done correlating how performance impacts success. There are those who subscribe to the fact that those with behaviors around a healthy mind and body are more likely to be successful. Michael S. Melfi, author of “The Simple Secrets of Being an Entrepreneur“ shares why and what can you do to take advantage of it.

Why Your Startup Should Rely On The Digital World

Digitalization is a process that has changed the way brands communicate with their targeted audience. Here are some examples on how to use the digital world to boost a startup and make it appealing to the public.

Which Will You Choose?

A regular, easy job in a small company. Pays somewhat comfortably but riddled with frustrations from frequent R&D and product delays. Little, if any,...

How To Use Emotion And Movement To Build A Connection With Your Audience

Jose Ucar explains how to build an emotional connection with your audience, as well as how to explain and move effectively.

8 Skills Every Entrepreneur Should Have To Become An Influencer

Patrick Panuncillon, CEO of Linkvista Digital Inc. explains why influencers are those people whose advice can be crucial to the way people run their businesses.

3 Proven Techniques To Reduce Chargebacks

Legitimate, fraudulent and everything in between, chargebacks pose a serious threat to businesses around the world and result in millions of dollars of lost revenue every single year. Stephen Hart, CEO of Cardswitcher explores the issue.

5 Things Businesses Can Learn From Dating Apps

You’d be surprised what businesses can take away from dating apps in order to get customers to swipe right on their brand. David Lester, Brightworks Managing Director, US Finance Lead shares how dating app analogies can be used in the business world. – Innovative Tuition Agency Goes Web 2.0; Conducts Questionable Blogging Contest?

Picking the right home tutor for your child is an extremely important process, and it can take a long time to find someone suitable....

4 Ways Social Networks Can Boost A Company’s Reputation

For many companies, the ability to strike the right tone on social networks is a key way for managers, marketing departments, and owners to reach customers and ensure that a great reputation isn't a company's best kept secret, says Jenny Q. Ta, CEO of and author of “Wall Street Cinderella”.

Eight Ways To Be A Better Customer This Holiday Season — And Get Better...

Especially during the busy holiday season, customers wait on hold for an eternity. Complaints go unanswered. Salespeople and customer service providers seem more like Scrooge than Santa's helpers. If you think customer service has taken a nosedive, you're right, says Ron Kaufman — but there's a lot you can do to change that. Read on for his tips for being a better customer.

Fear Factory: Five Signs You May Be Letting Fear Drive Your Leadership

Yes, it's smart to keep an eye on problems and pitfalls that might lie ahead for your business. But when awareness crosses the line into fear, your ability to lead — and your organization's ability to execute its strategy — suffers. Here, Daniel F. Prosser reveals five signs that you might be letting fear stifle your leadership.

Closed Door – Open Calendar And The Dreaded “Quick Question”

Small business owners are the absolute best at being approachable and attentive to their employees. But, oh how quickly things go awry when visitors treat your availability like a doormat, says Dave Crenshaw, author of "The Myth of Multitasking: How "Doing It All" Gets Nothing Done".

Why Every Business Needs A Consultant

No company is perfect and gaining access to not only an expert opinion but also the assets that consultants have at their disposal can be invaluable to the improvement of a company’s internal processes, says Joel Freimuth.

3 Ways To “Share Local” And Make Your Business Stronger

Local businesses are stronger together than alone.As you forge relationships with other local businesses, you all grow stronger by gaining access to the collective knowledge and power of each other, says Eric Groves, CEO and co-founder of Alignable.

Stealth Mode – A Silent Way For A Startup To Die

During one of the recent events I attended, I spoke to this guy working in a new local startup who proudly declared, "We're in...

How To Improve Customer Service? Hiring Is Just The Start.

If you want to improve customer service to the point that it becomes a competitive advantage, you have to hire great employees, says Micah Solomon, author of "High-Tech, High-Touch Customer Service: Inspire Timeless Loyalty in the Demanding New World of Social Commerce".

The Sandbox And The Titanic

The trap leadership often fall into is this: they believe a company culture they think they have created while their employees are existing in an alternate reality, muses Jaime Bancroft Gennaro, CEO of Neologic

Why Active Management Will Prevail Over The Annual Performance Review

The most significant reason is that the annual performance review is simply unable to sustain, measure, or improve employee productivity in the workplace in a way that is effective or engaging for employees.

You Only Live Once

  I read with sadness that Violet Lim, an entrepreneur I met once some time ago, had succumbed to cancer. She's the feisty 55 year-old lady...