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[Review] The Superwoman Lifestyle Blueprint

In her new book, “The Superwoman Lifestyle Blueprint”, entrepreneur and business coach Vicki Irvin inks a blueprint that breaks down the steps you can follow to achieve career or business success while holding on to the other important things in life.

[Review] Citizen Marketers: When People Are The Message

Admittedly, the social media universe have changed since Citizen Marketers was published in 2007. However, some of its principles are still enduring.

[Review] The Start Your Own Business Bible

"The Start Your Own Business Bible" compiles some 501 business ideas and gives you an overview of the nature of each possible venture, as well as a lowdown of how to enter that business.

[Review] Startup Asia

if you are interested in the rise of Asia's startup scene and how trends are shaping entrepreneurship in those countries, there's no better book you can pick up than "Startup Asia: Top Strategies for Cashing in on Asia's Innovation Boom", authored by journalist and Forbes contributor Rebecca Fannin.

[Review] The Lean Startup

If you have any interest in entrepreneurship at all, "The Lean Startup" by Eric Ries is an engrossing read, says Lee Shen Han.

[Review] Conversational Capital

What's the newest trick in the marketing bag? Enter "Conversational Capital", a book written by Bertrand Cesvet, Tony Babinski, and Eric Alper from experiential brand collective SID LEE.

[Review] The E-Myth Revisited

While "The E-Myth Revisited" may have been written quite some time ago, its teachings still ring true in this day and age. Although social technologies have transformed the business and consumer landscape, the basic principles of sound businesses still apply.

[Review] Going Social

"Going Social: Excite Customers, Generate Buzz, and Energize Your Brand with the Power of Social Media" by social marketing practitioner Jeremy Goldman, shows how companies can inject "social" into their business processes.

[Review] Likeonomics

Marketing expert Rohit Bhargava's new book "Likeonomics: The Unexpected Truth Behind Earning Trust, Influencing Behavior, and Inspiring Action" looks at the subject of likeability and argues that this quality has become the currency of a new era.

[Review] The Pivot Point

The problem with change management lies in the fact that individuals don’t change their behavior at the critical time and place. And the main reason why individuals don't tend to accept change? Attachment, says authors of "The Pivot Point".

[Review] The Compound Effect

The book "The Compound Effect" is based around a very simple principle: that little, everyday decisions have, in the long run, very significant impact on your life.

[Review] The Impact Equation

Authored by social media savants Chris Brogan and Julien Smith, "The Impact Equation" is a book on content marketing that reveals how you can generate attention, affection and action amongst the people you care about - your customers and other stakeholders.

[Review] Social Nation

How does one leverage on the power of social communities? What does it mean to build a "Social Nation"? Seasoned marketer Walter Lim found out the answers to these and more after reading Barry Libert's breezy volume "Social Nation".

[Review] Mastering Story, Community & Influence

Jay Oatway's "Mastering Story, Community and Influence: How to Use Social Media to Become a Socialeader" details not only the role of social media plays in modern-day narrative and competitive landscape, but how one can also maximize one's own digital influence whether in a personal or professional capacity.

[Review] The Dragonfly Effect: Driving Social Change Through Social Media

Co-authored by Stanford University Marketing Professor Jennifer Aaker and her husband Andy Smith, a leading marketing consultant of Vonavona Ventures, "The Dragonfly Effect" offers a recipe for social change leveraging on the power of social media.

[Review] Small Message, Big Impact

How can you communicate convincingly with your message in a short amount of time? In the book "Small Message, Big Impact", author Terri L. Sjodin shares how to work your presentations effectively and efficiently.

[Review] My Secret Life On The McJob

"My Secret Life on the McJob" by Jerry Newman shares the story of how the SUNY professor donned the uniform of an undercover fast food worker and goes through seven jobs in burger chains like McDonald's, Burger King, and Wendy's.

[Review] The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari

Part self help book, part fable, "The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari: A Fable About Fulfilling Your Dreams & Reaching Your Destiny" by leadership guru Robin Sharma is a slim volume that packs powerful life and leadership lessons in the form of a novel.

[Review] Disciplined Dreaming

According to Josh Linkner, CEO of ePrize, anybody in any profession can be creative and it doesn't just happen by accident. In his book "Disciplined Dreaming", the business innovator and jazz musician shows that creativity isn't born but made.

[Review] The Pirate’s Dilemma

Pirate DJ, music buff, and magazine publisher Matt Mason's book The Pirate's Dilemma - How Youth Culture is Reinventing Capitalism is a fascinating tour-de-force of the world of youth culture, content piracy and the future of commerce.

[Review] Growth Or Bust: Proven Turnaround Strategies To Grow Your Business

Mark Faust's "Growth or Bust: Proven Turnaround Strategies to Grow Your Business" is a manual for business owners and executives to find untapped growth potential for their company, and is especially useful for those whose business is in some form of stagnation or regression, and has difficulty growing.

[Review] The Power In A Link: Open Doors, Close Deals, And Change The Way...

In the book "The Power in a Link: Open Doors, Close Deals, and Change the Way You Do Business Using LinkedIn", author David Gowel argues that it's not about the number of connections that you have, but the true power of your LinkedIn network is the utility that you derive from it.

[Review] The Necessity Of Strangers

Innovation consultant Alan Gregerman's latest book "The Necessity of Strangers" urges us to embrace strangers as sources of innovation, inspiration and success.

[Review] Customer Sense

How can we design our products, advertisements and experiences such that they push the right sensory buttons in our consumers? Enter "Customer Sense: How the 5 Senses Influence Buying Behavior".

[Review] The Real Truth About Social Media

What do small businesses Brendan's Irish Pub and Butter Lane have in common with big brands Old Spice and Starbucks? According to Eric Harr, author of "The Real Truth About Social Media: Confessions of a Social Media CEO", these names "get it" when it comes to engaging their audiences when it comes to social media.

[Review] The 4-Hour Workweek

To many of us, Timothy Ferriss is living the dream life. The author of the uber bestseller "The 4-Hour Workweek" works from anywhere around the world, pursuing activities as varied as skiing in the Andes, tango dancing in Buenos Aires, or racing motorcycles in Europe.

[Review] Adapt: Why Success Always Start With Failure

"Undercover Economist" Tim Harford's latest book "Adapt: Why Success Always Starts with Failure" blends economics, psychology, evolutionary biology, and anthropology to explain why trial and error is preferred over grand strategic plans.

[Review] The Social Commerce Handbook

Short and succinct yet packed with useful case studies and tips, "The Social Commerce Handbook" is a useful addition for marketers, entrepreneurs and business folks keen to crack into the space of social commerce.

[Review] The Everyday Entrepreneur

The advice in "The Everyday Entrepreneur" is appropriate, practical, and usable. If you are a new business owner or one that has found it challenging to grow your company, this book is for you.

[Review] Work Women Want

"Work Women Want" a good read for women who want the best of both their private and professional worlds; it's probably most suited for those women who are planning a mid-career change due to an impending life-changing situation such as the coming birth of a baby.