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Change Or Be Dragged: How To (Painlessly) Reinvent Yourself When Life Demands It 

Change can be difficult, uncomfortable, and frightening. But sooner or later, most of us will have to reinvent ourselves (or risk getting left behind in today's fast-paced world). Successful businessman and author Paul G. Krasnow shares tips to help you embrace change and start moving in a better direction.

Employment Gaps Raise Red Flags, But They Can Be Overcome

Remember that unemployment gaps can be essential to a happy, healthy career and can, at times, lead to better opportunities. Steven Starks, Senior Career Counselor at University of Phoenix explains.

Hungry For Success

Many people are hungry for success. The question is: how do we define success?

Five Things You Can Do In The Office Today

When you're running your own startup or small business, there's always something to do to keep you busy. And if you can't think of anything to do, here are some ideas.

Making Green From Green

There are dozens, hundreds of ideas, large and small, that organizations can implement to positively impact the environment. Bruce Hodes, author of “Front Line Heroes“, shares why this needs doing.

Are Online Classes For Business Worth The Investment?

There isn't a profession in the world that wouldn't benefit from continuing education, and that includes entrepreneurs as well, says Kevin Kaiser of Startup Biz Blog.

5 Companies That Could Become The Next Apple

Lewis Robinson looks at the five companies he believes are expected to become the next Apple in the near future.

Becoming Truly Innovative: A Family Value

Innovation is critical to the long-term survival of any organization, but a family-owned firm may have some inherent advantages in becoming truly innovative. Robert J. Holton, Vice President, Private Client Group at Cleary Gull explores more.

How To See The Distinction Between Business Objectives And Business Priorities

Are business executives truly appreciating the distinctions between business objectives and business priorities today, asks Jason Green and Linda Deeken of The Cambridge Group.

Ending Fear To Create Success

It’s ineffective to spend our time managing fear, feeding fear, or overthinking our problems when we could be making actual progress toward our goals, argues Kendrick Mercer, author of "Whole Self: A Concise History of the Birth & Evolution of Human Consciousness".

7 Ways To Boost Your Bottom Line In 2018

Ellen Sirull of Experian looks at some of the top personal finance stories of 2017 and lessons we can take from them as we head into the new year.

Make Achieving Your Goals A Team Sport. Here’s Why — And How

Having the support of others who can keep us accountable is the key component that puts the match to the fuel of our intent and ignites our will to move forward, argues Leo Bottary, author of "What Anyone Can Do".

Roofing Exec by Day, Firefighter by Night – Joe’s Timely Leadership Lessons

Keith Martino, head of CMI and author of "Expect Leadership" says leaders can be made everywhere.

The Issue Of Rising Pay For Attorneys And What May Be Driving The Salary...

At the top of the list of factors driving the present increase in associate compensation is a fierce competition for talent,

How Mobile Phones Can Help Tackle The World’s Literacy Problems

The world’s foremost technologists are joining forces with aid organizations in leveraging smartphones as literacy-improvement tools. Louise Miller explains how.

What Factors Helped VistaJet Succeed?

Despite recent years of austerity and the financial crisis some private jet operators, such as VistaJet, have managed to thrive. We look at some of the reasons.

Raising Funds For A Traditional F&B Or Retail Startup

Over the past two weeks I've received at least five emails asking for startup advice, three of which were retail F&B startups that needed to raise funds. Here are some ways they can do so.

6 Things You Need To Start A Construction Business

Paul Murray, Director of Jem Design shares some of the things you will need when planning to start a construction business.

5 Tips For Budding Entrepreneurs Before They Start Their Online Business

The odds are often stacked against entrepreneurs - it’s a known fact that success rate of start-ups is abysmally low.

Why Bother Being A “Good” CEO?

The world needs better men and women to lead and provide shining examples of humanity and excellence. Stacey Thompson argues why you can - and should - be one.

Is Bootstrapping Hindering Your Business Competency?

The truth with bootstrapping is that business owners always tend to operate on extremely tight budgets. What this often translates into is that their operational efficiency leaves a lot to be desired, muses Anand Srinivasan is the founder of

Not All Product Innovation Should Be A Technological One

  Can I ask iris why our buses are falling apart? Between peeling floorboards and deteriorating interiors, travelling on some SBS Transit buses is getting increasingly uncomfortable. ...

4 Reasons To Consider A New Domain Name For Your Startup

Rob Bruce worked for when they purchased their iconic domain for a reported $11M, and that’s when it became very clear to him that an incredibly brandable domain is one of the keys to a successful business.

Creating Effective Digital Habits For Yourself And Your Company

One of the tricky areas to get right in today’s world is the balance between being connected to work through our wireless devices and protecting some pure time off. Terri R. Kurtzberg and Jennifer L. Gibbs, co-authors of "Distracted: Staying Connected without Losing Focus" explores the challenge.

Making An Impact on Canada’s Entrepreneurial Landscape

The Impact Entrepreneurship Group is Canada's largest non-profit, student-run organization dedicated to encouraging the entrepreneurial spirit amongst youth in Canada. Could we have a similar setup here?

Do You Want An MBA For The Right Reasons?

In the tumultuous and intimidating world of entrepreneurship, the prospect of an MBA can be a divisive thing. Ben Williams, CTO at Reelio Labs says you need to ask yourself these six vital questions before enrolling.

Open Enrollment Advice: What To Think About When Selecting Health Insurance

Open enrollment is now in full swing until the end of January – which is the time when insurance carriers are required to accept all applicants. Shaun Young, founder & CEO of Ardina, shares some tips to help every American better understand how to select the right healthcare plan that meets their needs.

Beauty On Demand

Serial entrepreneur Samar Singla discusses the immense potential that exists untapped in markets the world over – the beauty on demand app, to cater to all your grooming and stylistic needs.

Ten Surprising Concepts that Teams (Organizations, Too) Should Adopt – Starting Now

Some common concepts surrounding team success have been stressed over and over again - and author of "Stillpower: Excellence with Ease in Sports and Life" Garret Kramer says they may wrong. He highlights ten surprising concepts that may fly against belief.

Learning From Rockefeller

Few people have taken a serious look at one of the most successful businesspeople in world history: John Rockefeller. Brandon Peters looks at what this pioneer of the oil industry has to teach us.