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How To Artificially Magnify Your Impact In The Market

By providing a seamless, friendly and accurate experience, the small business owner and start-up can build a community of raving fans that are loyal and have a high lifetime value.

Characteristics Of Successful Advertising

When advertising, always have a targeted audience and make sure you research that audience accordingly, insists Andrew Molz, founder of Andrew Molz Agency LLC

20 Communication Rules Leaders MUST Follow In Times Of Crisis

An organization in the throes of trauma needs leaders to share clear and concise communication more than ever. Diana Hendel, PharmD and Mark Goulston, MD share the best practices that will ensure your employees are getting the right messages the right way.

The Three P’s And Two S’s For Any Successful Startup

Tim Heger shares a three P’s and two S’s approach he's used successfully for more than 20 years as a structure that has helped startups to become successful in a shorter period of time.

5 Ways Artists Can Work Like Entrepreneurs

“How am I going to make a creative living and a life?” is a question that can be daunting for artists, writers, performers and musicians at all stages in their careers, whether just starting out fresh, mid-career, or choosing to focus on artistic work full time after a lifetime of balancing it with other jobs. Laura Zabel, founder of Creative Exchange shares a toolkit that can help.

A Closer Look At Different Materials Used In 3D Printing

3D printing has come a long way since its inception and has made numerous contributions in the field of manufacturing and medicine. Gaurav Sharma of CG Trader looks at the most popular 3D printing materials to give you a clear idea of what you should choose depending on how you’re using it.

Of Compliance And Cybersecurity: Bolstering Business Credibility And Continuity

Keeping your organisation’s digital health in excellent condition gives you a head start in the age of rapid digital transformation.
Angela Carol

[Interview] Dr. Angela Carol Fights Addiction And Despair In Hamilton

For Hamilton family physician Angela Carol, MD, CCFP, FCFP, the health of young people and vulnerable populations in Canada is not a theoretical exercise.

How To Speak Your Audience’s Language

Explaining your ideas in your own language is easy, describing them in a way that your audience will clearly understand takes time and effort, says Allison Shapira.

Going Concern Rules And Your Company

During the audit process, the company needs to address the risk that it may not be able to continue as a “going concern.” Specifically, the audit team assesses the management’s conclusion as to whether or not the company can continue to operate while meeting its financial obligations, explains Michael Gallaher, Audit Associate at Sensiba San Filippo.

Warning To Remote Workers: Out Of Sight Could Mean Out Of Job

Rod Robertson shares some things that remote working employees should do these things to keep their performance and communication levels high.

Customer Experience-Based Business Models Lead To Greater Customer Loyalty 

Creating unique customer experiences sets you apart, signaling to customers that they’re appreciated and essential to shaping the success of your business.

5 Ways To Protect Your Idea From Theft

With the constantly increasing ease in which information can be shared, it’s becoming harder for business owners and aspiring entrepreneurs to secure their business ideas to ensure competitors or other people do not unfairly steal them.

4 Accounting Tips For Startups And Small Businesses

by Swapnil Shinde, Co-Founder and CEO of Zeni If you want your business to grow, it’s vital to have the right financial foundation. If your...

What Tech CEOs Get Wrong About Positioning

Positioning is critical to the success of every tech business, but executives often overlook its importance, argues Tim Manning.

A Guide To Exchanging Business Cards in Asia

Asian business etiquette can be very confusing to those who are not familiar with the inhabitants from this part of the world. Here’s a general guide when exchanging business cards with Asians.

5 Reasons To Invest In Software Testing

Software testing can help your enterprise increase ROI, enhance customer retention, and show that your enterprise cares about its customers. Here are the 5 reasons why you should invest in software testing.

5 Tips To Find ‘Culture Fit’ In A Candidate

Company culture provides your team with direction and is effectively the glue that binds the team. Joel Patterson shares five tips on how to hire for culture fit.

Tips To Improve Strategic Leadership

Organizational learning is the main focus of strategic leadership. They advocate a culture of inquiry and learn from the results of success and failure.

8 Ways To Build Your Audience With Instagram Stories

Your goal when using Instagram Stories as a marketing tool is to gain authentic followers from your targeted audience. Chris Makara shares some tips on how to leverage it to grow your business.

How To Choose The Right Business Management Software

Regardless of what type of business you run, chances are there are probably several software solutions that can help streamline your company’s operations while helping you grow revenue and improve your focus on providing a great customer experience.

Best Tax Practices For 2020 Filings: Ageras

While tax season is almost unanimously dreaded year after year, this upcoming season is expected to be a little bit different due to the number of businesses who filed for loans or relief.

Want To Deliver A Great Customer Experience? Give Your Employees A Voice

An engaged employee will go the extra mile because they understand how their actions make a positive difference for customers and colleagues.

8 Things To Consider When Choosing Workflow Management Software For Your Business

Well-executed workflows are the backbone of any successful business. Owen McGab Enaohwo, CEO and Co-Founder of SweetProcess shares some important considerations when finding a software solution that meets your needs.

Reimagining The Future Of Healthcare With Hyperautomation

Hyperautomation technologies like digital supply networks or cloud-based supply chain networking technology make it easier for firms to link up their supply chain systems with electronic health records (EHR) and other clinical systems.

How Digital Document Storage Can Improve Business Sustainability

Dennis Schroder of SeraScript examines the issues businesses face related to sustainability and list ways digital systems can help companies to reach those goals.

5 Secrets To Generating Revenue During COVID-19

Jack Siney, GovSpend Chief Revenue Officer shares five secrets are critical to winning government sales that will help your company survive through the COVID-19 crisis. And, they’ll also help your company grow faster after the pandemic ends.

Show Them The Love When You Can’t Show Them The Money

No matter how much they want to reward their employees, many leaders just don’t have the financial resources to give out much-deserved raises and bonuses. Fortunately, according to Todd Patkin, you don’t need to spend a cent to show your people beyond a shadow of a doubt that you care about them and appreciate their hard work.
SEO online marketing

5 Highly Effective Search Engine Optimization Tips Beyond On-Page SEO

For all online businesses, there are so many other effective search engine optimization strategies beyond on-page SEO. Ray Blakney shares some of them.
real estate investing

The Best Neighborhoods In Washington DC For Your Next Real Estate Investment

Washington, DC is routinely rated as one of the hottest real estate markets in the country, with high average rent. Grant McDonald shares his views on its investment potential.