Home Books & Reviews 30-Minute Social Media Marketing

[Review] 30-Minute Social Media Marketing


You can manage your social media marketing in all of 30 minutes, posits Susan Gunelius in her book 30-Minute Social Media Marketing. Gunelius, a 20-year marketing veteran and the founder and CEO of marketing communications agency KeySplash Creative, Inc, emphasizes the importance for businesses to join the social Web conversation and argues that the worst action when it comes to social media marketing is “no action at all”.

Gunelius provides a comprehensive look at the various social media tools available and walks through how to best use and integrate them into existing marketing plans – she shares advice on how to leverage social content sharing sites ranging from photo-sharing Flickr to presentation-sharing SlideShare, from blog-engine Tumblr to many tools designed to track, measure, search, analyze, and listen in to how messages are being received. You’ll find out how to use social networking sites, microblogs, as well as various audio and video tools if those are what you need for your business. More importantly, perhaps, Gunelius also shares the “right” ways for businesses to engage and interact with its intended audiences, as well as “wrong” ones – not over-selling oneself, for example.

You’ll take more than 30 minutes, alas

The trouble, of course, is that it is near impossible to really do all your social media marketing in just 30 minutes. This is especially considering how fluid and dynamic the social media space really is. You may take 30 minutes to do what she recommends, but you’d likely need another 30 minutes, if not more, just to constantly assess, review and implement new social media tools that pop up constantly.

Is this book worth checking out? It really depends – if you’ve been around on the social media scene and conference circuit and have heard from various “social media experts”, you would probably be familiar with much of the content and have heard of many of the examples shared in the book, such as the Dell debacle, or United Airlines’ guitar-breaking gaffe. If so, you’re probably not the target audience Gunelius intended for the book.

On the other hand, if you’re running your own business and have no clue how to approach social media marketing, this book is for you.

You can read here for some of Gunelius’s views on social media marketing.


  1. Daniel,

    Thank you for reviewing my book. You’re absolutely right — this book is intended for small business owners or individuals who don’t yet understand what social media marketing can do for them in terms of building their businesses and brands and don’t have the time or money to invest in outsourcing social media marketing support. The goal is to demonstrate that even if a small business owner spends just 30 minutes per day on social media activities, they can see positive results. That’s why I included many real-world, small business success stories about people who have experienced tangible, positive results by spending 30 minutes or less each day on the social web. I hope the book helps small business owners seize the opportunity that social media offers.

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