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Five Tips For Choosing The Right Office Space


When you are launching a new business, the space in which you operate can make or break your new venture. Maximizing the space you need at a reasonable price is critical for a newly launched business. Your space also needs to be flexible, accessible, and presentable for client interaction.

Startups and small enterprises need workspaces that make it easy to start a business or grow an existing one. If you’re an ambitious entrepreneur, get your venture out of the garage and into a professional space with these tips.

Invest in telecommunications.

To appear professional and legitimate, you’ll need to invest in high-speed Internet and a permanent phone number. It’s okay to route the phone to your cell phone when you are the sole employee, but don’t use your cell phone as the main phone number for your business, or you may have to give up the number as your business grows.  

Get a professional website.

Purchase a dedicated, specific URL and establish a high-quality website that promotes your business. It’s worth investing in a copywriter and graphic artist to establish your brand and make a great first impression on potential clients. You’ll need a professional email address and the ability to add employee accounts as necessary. Consider investing in cloud-based backup to ensure you don’t lose data.

Location, location, location.

You may be able to launch a business from your home, but eventually you’ll need to secure office space. Securing office space in an accessible location can be difficult, especially with a startup budget. Seek out an innovative office solution with a flexible workspace, meeting rooms, and room for storage. Places like Storage Glasgow provide multi-use space at reasonable costs for a new enterprise.

Space that supports your brand.

When you launch a new business, you may be willing to compromise on the details to save money. As the business grows and you need to recruit employees and host client meetings, you’ll need to ensure your space is professional enough to support your goals. Consider parking availability, bathrooms, 24-hour access, kitchens, and security when you look for a property. In the long run, it will cost less and be more efficient to find a facility with reception services, postal facilities, or meeting rooms than to move to a new location.

Convertible furniture.

Flexible workspaces need to include seats and tables that perform double duty. Tables can serve as desks, ergonomic recliners can make a restful nap space or meeting area, and ottomans can serve as extra seating and storage. Fabrics should be attractive, with subtle patterns that hide dirt and wear without being visually overwhelming.  
Create workspaces that can transform with portable walls, rolling chairs, and tables that can combine for large meetings. The work areas should be flexible but not so cluttered that you can’t discern clear traffic patterns.

Invest in your space.

Although it’s possible to move if you need more space, it is simpler to select a workspace that can grow with your business. As you select your space, choose one that supports your brand and allows you to focus on the success of your business rather than worrying about the details of operations. Your space should support your business needs, not become an entirely new job.