Home Advice For The Young At Heart Simon Arias’s Top 4 Mistakes Business Owners Make

Simon Arias’s Top 4 Mistakes Business Owners Make


Being a business owner isn’t easy, but it’s important that you make sure you avoid the pressures and pitfalls of business ownership. There are a lot of things that can be bad for your company, and if you lack experience it can be really difficult to avoid these errors and opportunities. That’s why we think it’s so important to know about these mistakes and do as much as you can to avoid them where possible.

By learning from the advice and example of business heavyweights like Simon Arias, you can learn from the errors that other business owners make. Once you are aware of these mistakes you can do much more to avoid them.

These are the top 4 biggest mistakes many new business owners make – make sure you don’t!


This is a big one and is harder to avoid than you might think. Overspending is the fastest way of putting your company into real financial difficulty, and could even lead to the ruin of the business. Make sure you are budgeting and being as careful as you can with the money you have for the business. Overspending is so easy to do, and you set off on a slippery slope if you do this too much. Focus on keeping the company finances in order, and this should keep you on the straight and narrow.

Skipping Insurance.

If you wanted to protect yourself and your family, you would check out a great life insurance company, and the same concept should apply to business. Business insurance plays a massive role, but there are a lot of people out there who are not bothering to insure their businesses. You need to be legally and financially protected as a company, and none of this is possible without the right kind of business insurance. Stop skipping this and assuming it doesn’t matter – it most certainly does!

Not Treating Employees Well.

Your employees are the heart of your company, and the way your business will achieve success. Richard Branson once said, “Take care of your employees and they will take care of your business.” This is a great approach to take because you need to be sure your employees feel valued and important. They do so much for the company, and if you ignore their efforts you will lose the best ones to your rivals.

Not Being Active Enough on Social Media.

Never overlook the fact that business marketing matters, especially social media. It’s so important to be active on social media as much as possible, and many entrepreneurs don’t do this enough. Never forget that this is the most powerful marketing weapon at your disposal. Overlooking the importance of an active social media presence could be the nail in the coffin for your business. This is one of the biggest and most devastating mistakes business owners make – ensure you’re not one of them.

These are some of the biggest mistakes business owners tend to make when they are running a modern company. Some of these might not even occur to you, but they can be really damaging. So make sure you avoid these major mistakes and help your business thrive as a result.