Home Others China, World’s Second-Biggest Online Shopping Mall (For Now)

[Infographic] China, World’s Second-Biggest Online Shopping Mall (For Now)


We all know that China, as the world’s most populous country, has plenty of potential to catch up and overtake the United States in terms of total online retail spending this year. In fact, China’s e-commerce has taken off and grown in spectacular fashion, growing 55-percent last year to US$194 billion. Much of the growth can be attributed to the rapid rise in technology adoption as well as the rise in spending power of the nation’s middle class.

Entrepreneurs and small business owners from outside China intending to enter the gargantuan China market of over 242 million online shoppers could benefit from understanding their profile and spending habits. Check out this infographic from B2B e-commerce giant Alibaba.com to find out how much the average Chinese consumer spends via the Internet, what they buy, and how fast their e-consumption is growing:

[Image credit: e-commercefacts.com]