Home Events & Happenings Social Media Week Singapore

[Singapore][Event] Social Media Week Singapore


Social media practitioners and enthusiasts in Singapore, rejoice – Social Media Week Singapore 2013 is upon this month, and will see over 30 free-to-participate events scheduled across 18-22 February.

Hosted by AKA Asia, the series of events offer an great opportunity for those in the industry – and beyond – to meet, hear and learn from global social media thought leaders. “Through engaging, credible discourse and activations, Social Media Week enables Singapore to showcase the rapid progress of its online community on a global stage,” says Damien Cummings, Regional Marketing Director, Digital & Social Media at Samsung Asia, who would co-give the keynote address to kickstart the Week.

“There has never been a better time to discuss the impact of social media and technology in shaping our societies. Increasingly, everyone is talking about the world becoming more ‘open and connected’ – which is also the global theme of Social Media Week,”
he adds.

Key events during the Week – which falls into three streams “Society & Culture”, “Business & Innovation” and “Media & Advertising” include:

  • Change the world with a hashtag: an exploration of using social media for social good – how individuals and brands can make a genuine difference – Mon, 18 Feb, 2:30 – 3:30pm @ Reading Room
  • Love in a time of social media: social experiment with Singapore Management University that will explore how people experience dating online and offline and the choices they make in both situations – Tues, 19 Feb, 11am – 1pm (Venue TBC)
  • Growing up on Facebook: experts will discuss the implications of social media on a younger generation whose lives will be documented with a global audience from birth – Tues, 19 Feb, 3 – 4:30pm (Venue TBC)
  • Where music, social & tech collide: a panel discussion that will explore how social media has shaped the evolution of the traditional music business model, followed by the Deezer Artist Workshop, an insightful workshop for musicians, and ending with #SMWSGSOUNDS, featuring performances by Inch Chua, Octover and Kevin Lester – Thurs, 21 Feb, 4pm onwards @ Broadcast HQ
  • Social media decathlon: a tongue-in-cheek jab at the industry in the form of a week-long competition to   uncover “The Expertiest Social Media Experts of SMWSG 2013” – who will show their might and win the coveted title? – Thurs, 21 Feb, 6:30 – 8:30pm @ Penny Black

Simply register your interest and secure a slot by registering on the site.