Home Feature Story CardHub.com Helps You Choose The Right Credit Card

CardHub.com Helps You Choose The Right Credit Card

Cardhub.com, a credit card comparison websites and gift card portal.

One of the ways to control your personal finances is to own the right credit card, but how do you select one most suited for your personal needs?  CardHub.com, an online search tool that aims to redefine the way people search, compare and apply for credit cards, believes it has the answer.

Finding The Right Credit Card

CardHub‘s search engine allows users to find all kinds of (U.S.-based) credit card products, from student credit cards to small business credit cards and from rewards credit cards to balance transfer credit cards, and even prepaid cards and gift cards. An interactive credit card search tool allows them to customize their search and quickly narrow down to credit cards that match their specific criteria. Once users finds the credit card that most suits their needs, CardHub connects them directly with the respective credit card company. There’s also a comprehensive education center and a credit score estimator to further assist users.

CardHub also hosts a social gift card exchange through a Facebook application, which allows users to trade their unwanted gift cards with their contacts (a somewhat similar service to Friendgiftr.com, which we featured previously). Other features include a gift card wish list, as well as a gift card shopping mall with a selection of over 300 stores and restaurants to choose from.

Virginia-based CardHub.com is owned and operated by Evolution Finance, which was founded by Odysseas Papadimitriou. A veteran of the credit card industry – he worked for Capital One for almost eight years where he handled marketing strategy, business development and product development – Papadimitriou realized that every credit card company would (unsurprisingly) position its cards as the best option for consumers, making it difficult for consumers to choose. He recognized the need for a neutral, objective party to inform and help consumers on picking the right card for their needs.

Views on Entrepreneurship

Odysseas Papadimitriou
Odysseas Papadimitriou, founder of Evolution Finance which owns Cardhub.com.

Papadimitriou compares entrepreneurship to ‘a rollercoaster’, with many ups and downs along the way.  “When you’re starting your own company, every little detail matters. Something that may seem trivial can have a powerful impact on your business – both positive and negative,” says Papadimitriou. “This is true for every aspect of your business, from the people you work with and the details of your product to customer service and marketing.” An important lesson he’s learned is to take everything in stride. “It’s tempting to overreact when it’s your own business, but if you do this you will drive yourself crazy.”

“It’s best to take a step back and analyze everything with a level head,” advises Papadimitriou.

For aspiring entrepreneurs thinking to start their own business, Papadimitriou says it’s important to start in an industry in which you’re already a subject matter expert. “You put yourself at a serious competitive disadvantage if, on top of all the difficulties that come with being an entrepreneur, you have to learn the business too.”


  1. Nice site indeed. We have a similar channel in operation which focuses primarily on prepaid cards in the UK but quite like th Cardhub site.



  2. Hey Daniel,

    This is a great tip. I already listed my Barnes & Noble gift card on their exchange. Lets see what happens….


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