Home Advice For The Young At Heart Where To Get Stock? Think Out Of The Box…

Where To Get Stock? Think Out Of The Box…


“Hi, I want to start a pushcart business to sell fashion accessories, etc but don’t know where to find a good source of supply in Singapore. Can you give some advice?” – Jasmine

I’ll be upfront and say that there’s no reliable source of supply for cheap fashion accessories in Singapore. Most of the stock you find here are sourced from overseas –  like Bangkok and China, for example – so you’ll probably have better luck there.  Of course, this is the quick and dirty method.

You can try rounding up some people who do it as a hobby, but quality is unlikely to be consistent and supply can be unreliable.

So why not think out of the box? There are many non-profit organizations and charities that look after the disadvantaged such as the aged, homeless or the disabled. They are always keen to look out for work for their beneficiaries, and craft work like making fashion accessories can be something they’d be keen to do. Try the Society for the Physically Disabled – the list of services they provide is here. They don’t make fashion accessories yet, but why not pitch it to them?


  1. Hi, happened to discouvered this useful site.
    Btw i happened to saw a lady-Jasmine enquiring on where to get accessories in Singapore for her to start her accessories biz. Any possibilty for me contact/or to let her know of a whole sale accessories local store online pls?
    As i know of a friend who do that. Any help pls? or may i know how to post up or help my friend spread his store online for his wholesale retail/accessories store online biz pls?

    Appreciate your kind revert.

    Thank you.

    Flo Khoon

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