Home Others How To Keep Your Business Data Safe

How To Keep Your Business Data Safe


Even though a large part of business entails upfront, transparent work, there are many things that you’re going to have to keep secret. Be it blueprints, business plans or other things – you’re going to have to sign NDAs and keep many things to yourself. As they say, there’s nothing private on the internet, and today we’ll be taking a look a few useful techniques to keeping your business data safe!

Use Encryptions

Many business owners rely on cloud services to keep their data safe. Today, most cloud servers are kept in an incredibly safe sphere and it’s almost impossible to penetrate their defenses. However, hackers are still around and it’s possible that they’ll get to the info you want to keep private.

In order to keep that info safe, the best thing you should do is encrypt literally everything. It doesn’t matter if you’re using a cloud service or keeping the data on-site – use encryptions.

Encryption keys function in a very rudimentary way, but they’re still very effective. If you encrypt your data, the hacker who gets to it won’t be able to read it without the encryption key. So, even if they manage to get their hands onto your data, they won’t be able to see it – it’ll be complete gibberish as it’s impossible to read without the encryption key.

Antivirus Programs Are Worth the Money

If you want great, industry-grade protection, you should opt for a high-quality antivirus protection software. This type of software is usually a bit expensive and it’s definitely an investment, but it’ll definitely prove its worth if someone tries gaining access to your computers.

Hackers often install spyware in many programs you want to download off the internet, and getting a virus on your computer is, unfortunately, incredibly easy. An antivirus software is going to recognize these viruses and isolate them.

The good news is – antiviruses are great at this! These programs are usually very well developed and they can easily intercept and control viruses. If you pay for one and you update it regularly, you’re lowering the chances of getting a virus on your computer significantly!

Get Rid of Date You Don’t Need

Once you’re done with a project, you should delete all the data you used for it (unless you’re planning to do something with it). This information is usually sensitive and keeping it on your computer is only increasing the risk of someone getting their hands on something that they shouldn’t be seeing!

There are many examples for programs that are going to completely wipe your computer from sensitive data, like Secure Data Erasure Software by WipeDrive. This way, you can ensure that the data that’s now useless to you isn’t abused by a third party!

This is especially important when you’re getting rid of old equipment. Sure, those hard drives and those computers are useless to you now, but if there’s any data on them – the person or the business acquiring those will have complete access to that data.

Storing Passwords is Just Asking for Trouble

Many browsers allow the option of saving your password to make logging in easier. However, this isn’t such a smart thing to do when it comes to business. It’s especially important to keep passwords of financial websites safe. You don’t want anyone gaining access to your business’s PayPal account.

It’s very easy for a hacker to use a phishing site and get you to log in. While you’re thinking that you’re logging into your account, the email and the password you’re using are just playdough to them!

Don’t Share Files Unless Necessary

Sending files via email is usually the easiest and the quickest way of sharing a file, but you shouldn’t be sharing files at all unless you have to. This has very little to do with internet security and very much to do with common sense.

If there are more people with access to a file or a whole folder of files, chances of compromising are increasing! If so much one of those computers gets hacked – you’re pretty much losing the entire document, as the hacker has complete access to it.

Keep everything on a need-to-know basis and you’ll be much safer.

Keep Your Devices Locked

Most companies instill very careful device unlocking protocols for their employees. Every single computer in your company should have different passwords, and the only people who should have access to the password of a computer should be the worker themselves and the manager. If your workers keep their computers unlocked when they’re not working, pretty much everyone can get to them!