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3 Big Decisions That Can Lead To Sustainable Growth


When it comes to growing a business, there are two ways to do it. First, you can do it very quickly, but you could run into financial problems to support its rapid growth. Second, you can grow it very slowly, but you could get stagnate and start losing sales that could lead to bankruptcy. To avoid these issues, you should aim to grow your business sustainably.

Sustainable growth is a realistic way of growing a business without running into problems while generating a healthy profit along the way. There are a few decisions that you can make to achieve this in your company, and here are some of them.

1. Recruiting HR for Sustainable Recruitment.

Company culture is essential for any business. It helps to determine how engaged your employees are and how long you should keep them. When it comes to this, the HR department should be involved. One of the most important roles that HR can do is to hire the right people. Remember, it is the employees that create a culture in a company. Regardless of how efficient the leaders are or the operational process, if the right people are not there, company culture is nothing more than just a mere idea. Therefore, the most important role of HR in creating sustainable growth is to bring in the most compatible candidates.

HR leaders should also understand their role and determine how they can help enhance the company culture. The goal is to create an environment where employees will feel excited to show up to work each day. They should assess and understand the existing culture and create a strategic culture plan according to the goals and values of the organization. Then they should work with the other leaders in the company in implementing this culture plan.

HR should also assist other company leaders in clearly defining sustainable company culture. Then they should make the entire organization understand what a sustainable culture means and how it is measured. After a clear definition of company culture is established, company leaders should discuss this with everyone. By fostering a culture of transparency, everyone will be more engaged in helping the company achieve its goals.

HR leaders should develop company culture initiatives based on the feedback they receive from employees and not just use something that they have learned from a conference or read in a book. They should understand that every company is different, and so are the employees. Therefore, they should always keep the employees involved, which contributes to the company’s overall success.

2. Agile Working.

We are currently living in unprecedented times. Digital technology has significantly transformed the way we work now. And to cope up with the changes, businesses should be quick enough to adapt and stay ahead of their competitors. Adopting an agile culture is necessary if you want your business to sustain these unprecedented times. So, what exactly is an agile culture?

Agile culture refers to a culture of quickly adapting to internal and external changes. Some of the key elements in an agile organization include a business strategy with a shared vision and purpose, a culture of continuous learning, and an evolving technology. Remember, agility means bringing people together, which requires having clear and consistent communication within the organization and, most importantly, a culture of trust. Many businesses struggle to achieve agility since they are more focused on speed and flexibility and have forgotten about agility. Business leaders should understand that agility and stability must go together to achieve sustainable growth. 

Creating an agile culture that addresses the human factor can be difficult. Transitioning into a rapidly evolving technology can be challenging, although this is the easiest part of the equation. Meanwhile, supporting employees through change would require exceptional skills. This is why the most successful agile businesses are those that adopt a culture that respects and looks after the welfare of their employees. 

One thing that truly stands out in businesses with agile culture is that they give importance to a growth mindset. These are companies that effectively communicate within the organization and share knowledge. They understand how to engage everyone and not just the leadership team. To create an agile culture, companies should embrace cultural attributes that include cooperation, trial tolerance, empowerment, technology adoption, quick decision making, knowledge sharing, and innovation focus.

3. Technology.

Business automation is using technologies in setting up and automating the completion of repetitive tasks in business operation. Automation has helped companies in various industries around the world in improving the efficiency of their daily operation by replacing manual tasks with machine operations. Some organizations are even aiming higher and have set their sights on adopting automation technologies, such as AI to achieve business growth and encourage greater productivity and creativity from their employees.

Automation can be applied in various areas in the company, such as office management and HR but also in industrial industries. From handing paperwork to conducting job hiring processes and even replacing employees, business automation can prove to be a valuable tool. Advertising and sorting job applicants for a specific role can also be automated. 

Instead of manually sending out invoices and reminders that could take up a lot of time, automation also allows you to schedule these tasks and set up the software to accomplish them. Several software programs are even capable of sending follow-ups to clients over unpaid debts. As the demand for business software systems increases, KO2 Solutions states companies across a diverse range of sectors are seeking electronics software engineers who can help to facilitate and oversee the software and machinery used in daily business operations. The role of an electronics engineer is to prevent embedded systems errors and other issues that could arise with the process involved in business software systems.

Remember that when it comes to achieving sustainable growth in the company, being proactive is highly recommended, especially in this unprecedented world. Consulting automation experts for the latest technology and software advice in business automation is one way to do this. Automation helps to ensure that you are running your business in the most efficient way possible.