Home Others Why A Content Development Strategy Is Important For Your Website

Why A Content Development Strategy Is Important For Your Website



If you have a small business, you may have noticed that some of your competitors’ sites are ranking higher than yours despite your best SEO efforts. Typically, websites that contain quality content are rewarded by major search engines like Google with excellent conversion rates and high rankings in the search results.

However, since updates like Panda and Penguin, it has become more important than ever before to ensure your website contains a combination of quantity and quality. This means that more emphasis is being placed on on-page content and how much quality it is offering visitors.

Images, videos, text, social features and the other types of dynamic elements that you place on your website will help you create a diary of content that will allow you to continuously post quality content for your visitors.

Understanding Content Strategy.

Before you begin to develop your website or start creating content for the homepage, it is important that you take the time to develop not only a marketing strategy, but a content strategy as well. For example, how many pages will be included on the website, how will your visitors receive further information from your website, and will you be using content writing services to get your website up and running?

Keyword research, market research and competitor analysis are some of the tools that you can use to determine how often content should be added to your website and the type of content you should be posting.

Content Strategy for Search Engines.

When you add content to your site, there will be more elements and more pages on your site that are targeting certain keywords. Forums and blogs can include content in text form that will encourage you to add more longtail keywords. These longtail keywords will send targeted visitors to your site.

In addition, more content will lead to more natural links on other websites that direct to your website and business. When the buzz surrounding your site on social media begins to increase, this will also help to improve your SEO ranking. Social indicators are now used by search engines to help determine the quality of websites.

Content Strategy for Your Visitors.

The visitors to your website will appreciate reading high quality content. If they believe they are getting beneficial information from the articles and other elements on the pages, they will return to your site often.

Web users are now interested in reading blog posts, watching videos, looking at images and being involved in different discussions.

Your online business should be actively producing this type of content because this is the content your visitors want to see once they have arrived at the site. If you own an ecommerce business, the site should include:

  • Product reviews
  • Product descriptions
  • Video tours of the products

Including these elements will help your store stand out from the competition.

Website content is critical for every piece of online real estate you have. Be sure to post regularly and showcase your unique voice, and you will begin to reap the rewards of more traffic, better conversion rates and increased profits.