Home Others 8 Best Twitter Accounts To Follow For Young Entrepreneurs

8 Best Twitter Accounts To Follow For Young Entrepreneurs



by Rochelle Ceira

Where’s the best place to look for business-minded professionals like you? We’re not just talking about finding them to build a connection or find a job. This has to be the go-to place for professionals to speaks their minds, read breaking news, learn about trending topics, and getting into meaningful conversations. If you said Twitter, you got it right!

Twitter certainly is one of the best places to keep tabs on people similar interests as yours and get your daily dose of inspiration.

For entrepreneurs, it is highly necessary to keep that business spark alive. May we suggest some of the best profiles of young and influential fellow entrepreneurs? If you’re a young, business-savvy individual, make sure tweets from these accounts pop up in your newsfeed!

1. Seth Godin (@ThisIsSethsBlog).

If you’re a marketing professional – which you probably are because if you’re into entrepreneurship – Seth Godin is the man to follow. Entrepreneur, motivational speaker, blogger, and author, Seth Godin is a perfect blend for young entrepreneurs looking for a daily dose of motivation.

2. Melissa Stewart (@MelissaOnline).

Melissa, herself was pretty young when she became the successful owner of “She Owns It”. She labels herself as a “purveyor of possibility, passionista, and an entrepreneur advocate”. Her tweets and blog updates are full of success stories, inspiration, and knowledge!

3. Tim O’Reilly (@timoreilly).

Harvard graduate and owner of the media giant, “O’ Reilly Media” it’s no surprise his followers are soon about reach 2 million (currently 1.96)! O’Reilly “shares stories and helps the future unfold”. His tweets are mostly about world business. If you’re into following everything related to the corporate world, this is a must-follow account for you.

4. Tim Ferriss (@tferriss).

Author, investor, and lifestyle expert, Tim Ferriss talk about business, entrepreneurships, tech, and travel. He has a bulk load of motivations and inspiration in his Twitter feed. You’ll even find some crazy advice for things like “how to memorize a deck of shuffled cards in less than 60 seconds”, “how to learn a language in one hour”, or “how I can get someone to do my dissertation for me uk”.

5. Michelle Glover (@enTREEpreneurz).

Owner of the blog girlentreepreneur.com, Michelle is the perfect person to motivate you if you’re a young female entrepreneur with a fresh business. Michelle’s tweets are mostly about things like boosting confidence, leadership skills, business success tips, and motivational reads.

6. Pat Flynn (@PatFlynn).

Flynn’s domain is online marketing. He has spectacular advice to give through his podcasts as well as tweets and blog updates on smartpassiveincome.com. Speaking of which, Flynn is a know-it-all when it comes to earning passively through “smart ways”. For entrepreneurs with a side business, this is a must-see Twitter account.

7. Ali Brown @AliBrown).

Ali Brown is an entrepreneur, investor, and mentor with an aim to “help women around the world step into redefined business leadership”. Clearly, she’s the top choice for women entrepreneurs as a guide. Business News Daily dubbed her “entrepreneurial guru for women” and with her background and experiences, we can see why. Brown is the perfect person to look into for tips, motivation, inspiration, and resources that might help you boost your sales and skyrocket your business.

8. Young Entrepreneurs (@youngtrep).

Let’s not forget the perfect page for young entrepreneurs! Backed by blog updates from YoungTrep.com, the twitter profile is full of links to tips, tricks, and how to’s on being a successful young entrepreneur. The team at youngtrep aims to give back young entrepreneurs their once-lost entrepreneurial spirit and get them to hustle and bustle back to work!



Rochelle Ciera

A quality control manager at a UK dissertation consultancy, Rochelle Ceira loves to explore the vast field of Human Resources. She’s intensely passionate about researching on the current HR trends, strategies and systems to find new and tactical ways for HR professionals around the globe.


  1. Great listing. Every business should get connected with twitter as it is a powerful tool to reach your customers, promote brand and to link with other relevant industuries.

    Ragavi from Bizbilla

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