Home Advice For The Young At Heart How To Start A Small Auto Repair Business

How To Start A Small Auto Repair Business


automotive repair

When it comes to a recession-proof business in these continued tough economic times it doesn’t come much better than the auto repair business. Americans just cannot manage without their automobiles. As long as this remains the case, there will always be a need for auto repair businesses to help fix mechanical issues that inevitably happen over the period of car ownership.

Here are a few suggestions for things to consider when starting an auto repair business:

Step 1

First ensure that as the principal in the auto repair business you are properly trained and certified. Auto repair is not a business for an investor to go into who doesn’t know a single thing about repairing cars. It is a blue collar job that requires hard-nosed, trained and certified staff.

Step 2

Surf the net over to the National Automotive Service Task Force website to keep updated on automotive trends and regular news. The website is operated by a non-profit that keeps track of industry tool and equipment news, and provides relevant updates about vehicle manufacturers and the automotive industry as a whole. It pays to stay knowledgeable.

Step 3

Check out the EPA On-Board Diagnostics information online. This US government agency looks into how auto repair staff can correctly manage engine issues and emission levels for customers.

Step 4

The EPA Wastes – Resource Conservation – Common Wastes & Materials online content provides some suggestions on how businesses such as auto repair shops can dispose of oil safely and in an environmentally-friendly manner.

Step 5

Produce a business plan which has all the relevant costs including a commercial lease for a suitable location. A business consultant who has experience in the automotive repair industry would be especially useful.

Step 6

File the appropriate paperwork with the local Secretary of State’s office. Verify what permits and licenses are required in order to operate an auto repair business legally and obtain them.

Step 7

Consult a capable attorney to determine what the potential issues are that can arise from involvement in the auto repair industry. Certainly all customer service policies need to posted in a prominent location at the spot where customers first enter the premises. However, there may be other requirements for an auto repair business in the state and a local attorney can help with this.

Step 8

Purchase a sufficient amount of liability insurance to protect the business, the owners, the workers, and anyone else on the premises. Accidents can and do happen. A jack fails and the vehicle falls on the mechanic’s foot. A car hand-break slips and the vehicle rolls back into another customer’s vehicle that is also in for repair. All sorts of things can and will happen, so it is important to hold an appropriate level of liability coverage through a reputable insurance provider.

Step 9

Purchasing the right set of tools is very important. Whilst mechanics often like to work with their own tools and sometimes bring them on-the-job, it is also sensible to have a reasonable number of tools for new mechanics to get to work fixing the vehicles awaiting repair.

It is a good idea to have at least one welding torch available (the Lincoln Electric store is a welding tools store that has a range of equipment that can help mechanics repair vehicles that have been in minor or major accidents).

Just follow these simple steps and it will be possible to start an auto repair business in a matter of weeks.