Home Others Mobile App Backlog Affecting The Enterprise: Outsystems

[Infographic] Mobile App Backlog Affecting The Enterprise: Outsystems


Here’s a shocking statistic – according to a survey by London-based insights agency Opinion Matters last year revealed that a shocking 85% of enterprises have a backlog of between one and 20 mobile applications. That’s right, mobile app development is lagging far behind the operational needs and burgeoning mobile use in the enterprise, highlighting the dire challenges faced by enterprises when it comes to mobile application development.

Between talent shortages and lengthening development queues, the implications are that enterprises are losing out on the upsides of well-implemented enterprise mobile initiatives, such as potential revenue streams, competitive differentiators and potential efficiency gains from mobile-enabled employees.

Here’s an infographic from application platform-as-a-service (PaaS) provider Outsystems that shows some recent trends in the enterprise mobile development space, including the challenges faced by enterprises when it comes to their mobile development initiatives. You may also want to check out Opinion Matter’s research, Mobile App Backlog Directly Damaging Revenue in the Enterprise.

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