Home Advice For The Young At Heart 10 Amazingly Awesome Warren Buffet Quotes To Live By

[Infographic] 10 Amazingly Awesome Warren Buffet Quotes To Live By


Warren Buffett

We’re unashamed fans of legendary investor Warren Buffet, and for good reason too. After all, the CEO of Berkshire Hathaway is not only one of the richest men in the world, he definitely knows at least something about building and running businesses, as well as investing in them. Just consider this statistic: Buffett made $12.7 billion alone last year, or almost $37 million every single day (which is more than most people earn in an entire lifetime).

Words may be cheap, but when it comes from someone as vaunted as Buffett we tend to take them as pearls of wisdom. For example, he once said “If you buy things you do not need, soon you will have to sell things you need”. Mind. blown.

Here is that quote from the Oracle of Omaha, along with nine others, compiled by InvestingTips360 into an infographic that distills some of his amazing wisdom:

Warren Buffett Quotes

[Infographic credit: InvestingTips360]