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[Infographic] Knowing How Consumers Communicate Is Vital


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With so many different ways to communicate nowadays, it’s important for companies to know which situations call for certain devices.

Statistics produced by Kcom and the Customer Contact Association have revealed that, despite the recent advancements in technology, the telephone is still the number one way in which customers choose to communicate with organisations.

Nearly one-third (30 per cent) said they would be most likely to pick up the phone and speak verbally with a company.

In second place was email, with 17 per cent of those polled claiming this would be their preferred choice, while one in ten would use some form of self-service machine.

Just four per cent of respondents said they would use their mobile phone to interact with a company, while two per cent would write a traditional letter in the post.

Incidentally, there seems to be strong opinions about using mobile devices when it comes to communicating with an enterprise.

The lion’s share (78 per cent) said they would not use a smartphone or tablet to register their complaint. This could be, in part, because nearly three-fifths (58 per cent) do not own a tablet.

Despite the vast capabilities of a mobile device, nearly one-fifth (18 per cent) only use their handset to carry out basic tasks.

The most popular use, which nearly three-fifths (59 per cent) did, was to make payments.

Other ways in which such products were used included enquiring about an account (56 per cent), placing an order (53 per cent) and acquiring information (38 per cent).

If you wish to find out more information about this subject, you can read the Future of Customer Service infographic below:

Future of customer service