Home Advice For The Young At Heart How To Turn Your Internship Into A Full-Time Gig

[Infographic] How To Turn Your Internship Into A Full-Time Gig


Internships are a great way to find out if there’s job fit – whether you like the industry, enjoy the work that you do, or to find out if there’s a way to grow the skills you want and acquire the appropriate experience.

But what if you really, really do like your internship stint at a particular company and would really love to turn that into a full-time gig? The good news is, as an intern your chance of getting hired full-time is 70%.

The bad news is, you may be the other 30%… unless you work hard at impressing.

Here’s an infographic from Progressive Business Publications that outlines what you as an intern can do to make sure your name comes into the company’s consideration set when they’re looking to hire:

How to Turn Your Internship Into A Full-Time Gig

[Infographic credit: Progressive Business Publications]


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