Home In the News Talent Not As Passive As We Think: LinkedIn

[Singapore][Infographic] Talent Not As Passive As We Think: LinkedIn


Admit it – while we may put up the facade that we’re really happy to be working where we are right now, the truth for most of us is that we’re open to job offers.

In fact, while some 73-percent of Singaporean professionals consider themselves “passive talent” – those who are already employed and may not be actively seeking a new job – around six out of seven of those are actually approachable, according to internal data from professional social network LinkedIn.

Of the more than 1,000 Singaporean professionals who responded, around 27-percent are actively seeking jobs; 17-percent are “tiptoers” who are thinking about changing jobs and reaching out to close associates, and 45-percent are not looking for a job but willing to discuss a new opportunity with recruiters.

Indeed, only 10-percent are “super-passive” or happily employed and won’t consider a job change. This number is lowest amongst all countries surveyed, and Singapore had the highest ratio of ‘approachable’ passive talent to ‘super-passives’ at 6:1.

What does this mean? We can reach the following conclusions:

– If you’re hunting for a job, you actually have more competition than you think you do.

– If you’re a recruiter, good news. There are more people interested in available roles than they actually reveal.

– If you’re a HR person, staff retention may be more difficult than you think.

– If you’re from a government agency that oversees national employment, well, your data is probably lying to you.

Here’s an infographic that tells you more: