Home Resources 50 Terrific Twitter Chats For Journalism Students

50 Terrific Twitter Chats For Journalism Students


The web has become the place where a large number of people go to get their news, and with good reason. It’s always on, numerous viewpoints are represented, and anyone can contribute. Thus, students of journalism not only need to study web journalism itself but would also be well-served by keeping up with the best ways to use the web to find information, network, and learn about their chosen career path. One of the best ways to do that at present is through Twitter chats. These can take place on a weekly, monthly, or ongoing basis and offer students a chance to connect with experts in the field and students alike, which can be a great way to improve skills in writing, research, and web use. We’ve tried to include the best chats here, but if there’s one we missed, please share it in the comments.

Journalism: Scheduled Meetups

These journalism-related chats meet once a week or once a month at scheduled times.

  1. #JournChat: Mondays at 8 p.m. EST, journalists, bloggers, and public relations professionals meet to talk about issues related to their fields in one of the first and largest journalism-related chats on Twitter.
  2. #wjchat: Direct your browser to Twitter on Wednesdays at 8 p.m. EST to learn more about web journalism. The chat is hosted by a different web journalist each week, which keeps things interesting from chat to chat.
  3. #jrchat: Hosted by the Journal Register Company’s ideaLab, this chat is a forward-thinking meetup that focuses on the role of digital media in news. Join in the convo at 12 p.m. EST on Wednesdays.
  4. #JournoCensus: This chat touches on a wide variety of journalism issues, from the changing world of journalism to the current state of the job market, especially in the SF Bay area.
  5. #SPJChat: At 8 p.m. on Thursdays you can connect with prominent journalists and industry leaders through this chat hosted by the Society of Professional Journalists.
  6. #journ2journ: While on hiatus at the moment, this chat connects journalists, or aspiring ones, with others in the field, touching on subjects that are central to any journalist’s professional life.
  7. #DFMChat: Hosted by Digital First Media, this chat offers up great ideas on incorporating the digital world into all kinds of journalism. Meet up every week at 12 p.m. EST on Wednesdays to have your say.
  8. #ASNEChat: ASNEChat explores the connections between social media and the future of journalism and welcomes college journalists from across the country. If you’d like to take part, visit Twitter at 12 p.m. EST on Tuesdays.
  9. #APStyleChat: This monthly chat is devoted to discussing various issues with the Associated Press Stylebook. It’s often held at different times and dates, so follow @apstylebook to stay in the know.
  10. #pubmedia: Mondays at 8 p.m. EST journalism students can visit Twitter to join in this discussion of public media.
  11. #FOIAchat: Discuss issues related to the Freedom of Information Act, public records, and more through this chat, held Fridays at 2 p.m. EST.

Journalism: Ongoing Discussions

You can take part in these journalism chats at any time.

  1. #journalism: This ongoing hashtag will hook you up with some amazing articles to read and food for thought through Twitter.
  2. #journo: Check back with this tag regularly to find new people to follow, links to read, and information about all things journalism and media.
  3. #followjourn: If you want to get the most out of Twitter, you’ll need to follow some other journalists. This chat lets you in on the best accounts to follow.
  4. #JRLweb: Head to this link to read commentary and get links on all things web journalism-related.
  5. #HARO: Need some help with a project? This tag stands for “help a reporter out” and is a great way to reach out to the journalism community online for help with finding sources.
  6. #ddj: Are you a numbers guy or gal? Then follow this tag to get tips and tricks and meet others like you who are dedicated to data-driven journalism.
  7. #copyeditor: Check up on this hashtag to find copyediting tips and commentary, as well as leads on open copywriting positions.
  8. #partylikeajournalist: Need a laugh? Search this hashtag for humorous takes on the life of a journalist.
  9. #jpeeve: Sometimes we all need to vent and this ongoing discussion can be one way to do it. Chime in as to what your biggest work-related pet peeves are at the moment.
  10. #pressfreedom: This discussion covers news related to free speech and free press issues, a must for any journalist to know about.
  11. #jtech: If you’d like to learn more about journalism and technology and where the two overlap, take part in this discussion.
  12. #ireport: You don’t have to be a professional journalist to break a story! Contribute information, pictures, and video though this tag.


Need some help improving your writing? These chats can help.

  1. #engchat: Extol the virtues of the English language or curse its bizarre spelling rules in this ongoing discussion about writing, language, and literature.
  2. #iamwriting: Writers can share their work or read the work of others in this ongoing chat.
  3. #writerslife: Enjoy a laugh or two at your own expense in this ongoing Twitter chat that pokes a bit of fun at the life of writers.
  4. #writingparty: Discuss the good and the bad of being a writer here, perfect for those days when you just want to commiserate on your chosen career.
  5. #writers: Are you a writer? Then you’ll love seeing the frequent tweets to this hashtag that will inspire and motivate you.
  6. #writing: This hashtag is great for following everything related to writing, from jobs to news tidbits.
  7. #writechat: Every Sunday from 2-5 CST, you can join this chat and discuss whatever is on your mind with other members of a thriving online writing community.
  8. #writegoal: If you have a piece you need to get done for class or for the school newspaper, give yourself motivation by sharing your goals and getting help sticking to them in this chat.
  9. #wordcount: Show off how many words you’ve written in a day by taking part in this ongoing discussion all about numbers.
  10. #amwriting: Anytime you’re working on a piece of writing you can share your thoughts, concerns, and frustrations through this hashtag.
  11. #scribechat: Meet up with other writers on Thursdays at 8 p.m. CST to learn more about the publishing industry.
  12. #writersmovement: Writers and authors can take part in this chat held at 5 p.m. CST on Saturdays and get support and feedback on whatever it is they’re working on.

Online World

Use these chats to learn more about technology in journalism.

  1. #BlogChat: If you’d like to learn how to build an amazing news or journalism blog, listen in or take part in this chat Sunday nights at 8 CST.
  2. #smchat: You can learn a great deal about social media just by taking part in this chat, a big help for journalists who may need to use it on the job. Tune in Wednesdays at 12 p.m. CST.
  3. #socialchat: This is another chat all about social media that can help you better build your personal brand online. It’s held Mondays at 9 p.m. EST.
  4. #seochat: Do you know how to help your online work get the attention it deserves? If not, give this chat a try to learn some tips and tricks from the professionals every Thursday at 9pm EST.
  5. #crowdsource: A lot of reporting these days relies on getting information on the web from people who are on the scene. This chat can help you learn more about what crowdsourcing is, and how it can help (or hurt) you as a journalist or business professional.
  6. #p2chat: This chat focuses on issues of public participation, aiming to get people more engaged with businesses and other ventures through the web.


These chats will let you connect with related fields, journalism schools, and other areas of publishing.

  1. #connectchat: PR pros and others who work in communications industries like journalism can check out this chat every other Tuesday at 3 p.m. EST.
  2. #commschat: This UK-based blog takes a look at all things communications, from PR to social media to journalism. Join in the discussion Mondays at 8 p.m. GMT.
  3. #GenYChat: Chat with people from a wide range of generations about ways to better work with people from Gen Y, like yourself. Held every Wednesday at 9 p.m. EST.
  4. #cronk: Walter Cronkite is such a legend in journalism that he even has a school named after him at ASU. Learn more about the latest news at Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication when you use this hashtag.
  5. #editing: You can find advice and help with editing your work or share your frustrations on this ongoing discussion.
  6. #publishing: Follow the publishing industry by checking back regularly on this hashtag.
  7. #wclw: If you’re a freelancer, get some advice on what to do and what not to do in this monthly chat.
  8. #gmuchat: While taking a short hiatus at the moment, this chat is a great place to get career advice when it’s up and running.
  9. #MPACEChat: Looking for some help finding a job? Head here on Fridays at 10 a.m. PST to get advice and help from recruiters and career-center professionals.


This article was first posted on OnlineUniversities.com.