Home Resources Social Media Newsroom – A Snapshot Of Your Brand

[White Paper] Social Media Newsroom – A Snapshot Of Your Brand


Journalists Expect an Online Newsroom

Journalists, customers, and other influencers use your website and online pressroom to find information about your company. More than any other part of your website, your online newsroom should be a snapshot of your brand. It should show exactly where you are, what you are doing, and how you are doing at the present moment. This is the information that journalists crave.

As journalists continue to use the web to do parts of their research, they have come to expect certain features from a company’s online newsroom. For example, it should present a clear and concise idea of what the company does, how it started, and where it is based. It should prominently display the latest news and events, as well as state the various ways a visitor can contact a person or department within the company.

Then there is the matter of all press material – material that not just the press are interested in, but also bloggers, influencers, and customers. Are you selling a product? All high-resolution images should be available for download. Have you sent out many press releases in the past? They should be available and archived in one easily accessible location. Moreover, all this press material should be searchable and useable.

But in the vibrant and dynamic social media landscape, where attention spans are ever decreasing, how can you make your online newsroom even more attractive and useful for the interested visitor? How can you take your online newsroom to the next level and create a Social Media Newsroom?

There Is No Social Media Newsroom Without Social Media

Whether it’s starting a company blog, opening a Twitter account, or creating a Facebook Page, more and more companies have started to share their messages and contribute to conversations in a fast-moving and highly transparent playing field. By doing a quick search for your favorite brand on media such as Flickr or YouTube, you can see that not only have companies opened official channels, but the employees
themselves have uploaded content, sharing awareness on a grassroots level.

In other words, if you have taken the Social Media plunge, then you may know how effective it can be to engage your influencers. But you may also how difficult it can be to manage the different accounts. Although these social media accounts are free, they require a substantial investment of time. You must first get into the mindset that it is time-consuming. It can also be complicated to direct visitors from one channel or network to the other, depending on what digital media you want them to experience.

But what if a visitor to your online newsroom could get a quick overview of all the social networks you participate in? At a glance, your targeted audience could see what is being said about you on Twitter, which videos you are featuring on YouTube, or what your latest blog entries are about. Visitors can see that you have a Facebook Page or a Twitter account and might be encouraged them to “like” or “follow” you in those networks. Essentially, your social media newsroom can be the central point for all conversations on the different media with your known or unknown influencers.

Download the rest of this white paper here.

This white paper is brought to you by mynewsdesk.com, in association with ad:tech Singapore 2011.


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