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What To Do When A Client Doesn’t Pay


Unfortunately, we’ve all been there. You give a client your service, expecting them to pay you in return but when push comes to shove, nothing.

What do you do now? First of all, you don’t want to get instantly defensive and end up getting angry at the client.

This is because there may be a perfectly reasonable reason for them not paying you yet. Also, even if there is no reason and later down the road, you end up seeking legal advice, the judge (hopefully, it won’t get this far) will see these irrational actions you took and it will instantly put you in a bad light.

Which, will then hinder your case. So that’s what not to do, and here’s what you should do instead.

Give them warnings of overdue payment.

It’s always advised to speak to the client before anything. Most times you’ll find that the client has fallen in some financial issues themselves and can’t actually afford to pay you right at this moment.

If this is the case, you can try making it a little easier for them by offering a payment plan over a given set of months.

For example, they could pay you a quarter of the money this month and continue this until their debt to you is paid off.

Keep records.

Regardless of their situation, you should make sure you keep a record of everything that happens in exchange between your business and the client.

This gives you a safety net to fall on should the issue rise to court. Of course, you can’t be recording conversations with them (unless they have given permission), but you can save every email or letter they have sent you and your responses.

It covers your back and ensures there won’t be any wrongdoings or false accusations if you decide to take a legal route.

Seek advice from experts.

Speaking to money advisers, like HJS Recovery is a good route to take if your client isn’t responding to any of your payment overdue warnings.

They can offer you bespoke advice from years of experience and training within the business finance industry. They can tell you what actions to take next and explain to you what they can do to improve your chances of getting your money.

Take them to court.

The last resort you can use is taking them to court. But, before you go ahead with this you need to figure out if the cost of doing this will be more than what they owe you.

For example, you could end up spending more on lawyers and legal advisers than it’s worth. If they owe you £20, is it worth cashing out on a lawyer and spending all the time and effort on getting just £20 back?

If the answer is no, then sometimes you just have to drop it even if you are in the right.

What would you do?

Let us know what you would do in this situation in the comments section.