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3 Best Ways To Break Your Bad Business Habits


by Allison Maslan, founder and CEO of Pinnacle Global Network® and author of “Scale or Fail: How to Build Your Dream Team, Explode Your Growth, and Let Your Business Soar

It’s common for business owners to fall into patterns that hinder their progress unconsciously. Even when we’re convinced we’re taking the right steps, we sometimes get caught up in the day-to-day, feeling the need to make every decision and solve every problem. Over time, these habits can prevent your business from achieving goal clarity and scaling.

If you’re stuck in this cycle, these three strategies can help you break free and create a business that survives and thrives.

1. Step Back and Empower Your Team to Lead.

Many entrepreneurs are under the illusion that they must control every aspect of their business. I’ve encountered countless business owners working 80 to 100-hour weeks because they believe their constant involvement is critical to success. However, micromanagement only holds your business back.

If you want to see your business grow, allow your team to take ownership of their roles. Leadership is about guidance and direction, not control. Beyond delegating tasks, empowerment lifts more weight off your shoulders by letting others lead and make decisions. Step back so you can create the space for your team to step up, bringing fresh ideas and new energy to your business. This shift allows you to focus on larger goals and long-term strategies rather than getting bogged down in the details.

2. Build a Strong Mission and Vision to Inspire.

A business without a clear mission and vision is like a ship without a rudder. One of the biggest traps that entrepreneurs fall into is working harder without a guiding purpose. Without a clear direction, it’s easy to get caught up in daily tasks that don’t contribute to meaningful growth.

To break this habit, focus on creating a powerful mission and vision that inspire not only you but your entire team. When everyone understands and is aligned with the bigger picture, the business can operate more smoothly and efficiently. Growth becomes less about putting out fires and more about building something sustainable. A strong mission acts as the North Star that guides your team, helps in decision-making, and aligns everyone’s efforts toward a common goal.

3. Don’t Just Settle — Build the A-Team to Fit Your Mission.

Choosing the right people is one of the most important decisions a business owner can make. Too often, we settle for good enough, hiring people who can perform the job but don’t align with the company’s values or long-term vision. This leads to stagnation, missed opportunities, and, ultimately, frustration.

Seek out individuals who bring diverse perspectives, challenge the status quo, and are passionate about the work they do. Surrounding yourself with the right people can completely change the trajectory of your business. A cohesive team that’s aligned with your values will not only help you grow but will also keep you motivated, even during challenging times.

Overcoming the Barriers to Business Growth.

Breaking bad business habits requires intentionality and the willingness to let go of control — two factors that challenge many entrepreneurs. Intentionality means consciously recognizing the habits that are holding you back and taking deliberate steps to break free from them. Whether it’s the need to oversee every decision or the tendency to micromanage, replacing these patterns with more effective leadership practices takes effort.

Letting go of control is perhaps the most challenging shift for business owners. It feels counterintuitive — after all, you’ve built your company by staying involved and ensuring everything is done correctly. But this mindset keeps you stuck. Trust that your team can handle responsibilities, make decisions, and solve problems, even if it’s not exactly how you would do it.

This doesn’t mean you’re abandoning your involvement. It means allowing yourself to make more strategic decisions that drive growth for your business.


allison maslan

Allison Maslan is the CEO and founder of Pinnacle Global Network®, offering business mentorship and mastermind programs to established business owners who want to accelerate their growth, capitalize on their success, and balance it all with a meaningful life. She is also the author of two books: Amazon #1 bestseller “Blast Off!: The Surefire Success Plan to Launch Your Dreams into Reality” and her newest book “Scale or Fail: How to Build Your Dream Team, Explode Your Growth, and Let Your Business Soar”.