Home Others How To Show Your Gratitude To Employees During Corona

How To Show Your Gratitude To Employees During Corona


The corona pandemic definitely changed our (work)life. As the government strongly advised us to stay at home, most employees work from home either completely or partially. These employees had to change their way of working drastically: from face-to-face meetings to virtual meetings via ZOOM and Google Hangouts and from a well-equipped desk to a kitchen table. For many employees it has been a big change which required much energy and effort. Therefore, it’s of major importance to show your employees your appreciation for their hard work the last few months. Have you not done it already, then now that’s never too late to show your appreciation.

In this article, we give you some ideas on how to do it. 

More vacation days.

Now the work-life balance is a little bit disturbed, it’s more important than ever to take a break from work every once in a while. And although 2020 might not be the year to travel far and wide, employees can use these extra vacation time to rest or relax in order to get their energy back.

A gift card or voucher.

You can also stimulate your employees to take a day off to recharge their internal batteries by giving them a voucher. You can, for example, give them a voucher for a spa resort so they can enjoy the sauna or wood-fired hot tub (Dutch: hottub or houtgestookte hottub). Or you send them their own inflatable hot tub (Dutch: opblaasbaar bubbelbad), so they can relax in their own garden every single day!

Personal gift.

You can also give your employees a gift. It doesn’t have to be big or fancy, as long as it has a personal touch. Think, for example, of sending your employee his/her favorite snacks or beers/wine. Or what about a ‘working from home’-package with all sorts of candy to get through the day. Or send every employee a handwritten card with a voucher for a local store nearby. Make it personal!

Say thank you.

Never send a gift without saying thank you. A gift is nice but a well-meant thank you means often more than anything. So thank your employees for their efforts.

How will you express your gratitude?