Home Others How To Make Sure Your New Healthcare Practice Is Ready To Go

How To Make Sure Your New Healthcare Practice Is Ready To Go


Branching out and doing things alone can be stressful, but it can also be immensely rewarding. You might have worked in someone else’s practice for a number of years but recently made the decision to start your own. You’ll already know how big a decision that has been but it’s also one with a huge upside that could see you helping more people, providing more of the care that you want, and also making a lot more money.

Whether you’re starting your own dental practice, physiotherapy, or providing any other kind of healthcare, you’re in the right place. We’re going to look at a few tips to make sure everything is ready to go before you open the doors to your new practice.

1. Make sure your location is clearly signposted and easily accessible.

You should already have chosen your ideal location and premises for your business. What you might not have thought of is making sure your new office is clearly signposted and accessible. You shouldn’t ignore passing traffic, so make sure everyone around you knows who you are and what you do. Businesses with clear signage can make more money, so make sure you’re one of them.

2. Get all your insurance in order.

Running a healthcare business means that you need the right insurance in place before you start. While you probably already know what sort of professional insurance you need, many new practice owners forget things like property insurance, employment insurance and contents insurance. Don’t be one of them — make sure you’ve got everything sorted before you open your doors to the public.

3. Ensure your reception staff are fully trained.

You should have hand-picked your reception staff to try and find the friendliest and most qualified people you can. Even so, you might need to make sure they’re fully trained before you get going. Make sure they understand your computer system and policies. Try a couple of rehearsal days where you don’t take real customers, just to make sure your staff really know what they’re doing.

4. Make sure you’ve got the right billing software (and that your staff know how to use it).

The right software for your practice can make a huge difference, especially for billing and simply making appointments run smoothly. Make sure you’ve got the right software installed and that everyone knows how to use it.

5. Display your qualifications clearly.

This is one simple touch that your existing and potential patients will love. Don’t be shy about your diplomas and other qualifications, display them prominently right at the front desk. This simple touch could be enough to convince potential new patients who were on the fence about whether to sign up with you.

6. Get listed on all the right websites.

These days, getting clients isn’t the same as it used to be. Nowadays, you need to be listed on all the right online review sites and directories to attract potential patients. Take some time and make sure your business can be found on the most relevant sites for your practice.

7. Advertise effectively.

To attract new patients and make your practice successful, make sure you’ve got the right advertising. This includes online, newspaper, local area, and anything else you can think of — the more people know about your services and where to find you, the better.