Home Others Nailing The Side Hustle

Nailing The Side Hustle


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It’s never been easier to start your own business, no matter how small or large you might want that business to be. But while you’re waiting for everything to fully come together for your business idea, you’ve got to keep food on the table with your current job, and you might also be completing classes at an institution like Maryville.

In any case, here are a few tips to help you successfully fit your side hustle into your current schedule.

Decide Whether You’re Fully Committed.

There are few better feelings than being your own boss and owning your own company, but you’ve got to decide whether you’re fully dedicated to your vision. Your side hustle will undoubtedly take time away from your personal life and any other projects or commitments you have in your life. Decide now if you’re truly ready to jump into the deep end of the pool or if your side hustle is going to stay on the sidelines for the rest of your life. Putting in a minimum of effort is guaranteed to result in a minimum of results.

Create Accountability.

There are bound to be times when you drop the ball on your business idea, whether because you’re feeling unmotivated or because you allow life to get in the way. To better prevent this from happening, figure out ways to hold yourself accountable. You can do this by meeting up or working with other entrepreneurs and industry professionals. You can all share progress and success and encourage each other. Knowing you’ll soon be expected to share how things are going with your hustle can be the kick you need to get to work.

Forge Connections.

Look for experienced and established professionals in your niche or industry who can act as mentors and professional connections. Is there anyone at your current job who might be able to provide you with a bit of insight? Stay focused on learning from these people and tapping them as sources of inspiration rather than how much money you might be able to make from them. Even if you know this person is connected to people you’d like to be introduced to, stay focused on learning as much as you can from the individual first before asking for those introductions.

Develop a Plan to Fight Off Stress.

Anyone who owns a business can tell you the experience is just as rewarding as it is frustrating and stress-inducing. Rather than wait for that stress and frustration to rear its head before you deal with it, develop a plan now. You know how you respond to stress, you know what triggers stress and you know how you beat stress. Create a plan of action before you’re flustered so you can get back to work ASAP. Additionally, it’s best to do what you need to do to keep stress from building in the first place. Remember that preventing a problem is always preferable to resolving a problem that already exists, so head such issues off at the pass.

Create a Schedule.

Start working on a schedule on how you’ll divide your time between your current job and your side hustle. Specifically, know when to wake up, when to go to bed, how long it takes you to commute to work, when you’ll eat, when you’ll take time just for yourself and how many hours you’re able to realistically commit to your side hustle. You should also map out how you’ll use the time devoted to your side hustle. What needs to get done? When does it need to be done? What needs to be completed to help you get it done?

Planning and preparation are everything when it comes to having a side hustle. Make sure you know where you’re going and how to get there, and be sure to use these tips along the way. Best of luck!