Home Others Some Top Shopping Cart Best Practices

Some Top Shopping Cart Best Practices


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Building customer loyalty can be greatly enhanced through shopping cart systems. You want to minimize distractions, enhance the demonstration of value and convince customers your inventory is the solution they need.

While it’s going to require significant due diligence, including researching top ecommerce cart software and support, here are a few practices you can use to keep customers coming back.

Cross-Sells and Up-Sells.

Up- and cross-selling can do wonders for conversions if they are implemented effectively. Use of carousels, mouse-overs and interstitial pages to promote products in line with customer behavior (searches, clicking, current items in cart) will promote the idea you are the authority to turn to.

Clean Layouts.

Make sure layouts do not lead to confusion. Merchants can overcrowd pages with irrelevant and distracting information. Secure Net Shop recommends focusing on CTAs, product images and only product related information such as “Other Customers Also Looked At” or “Bought.” Take advantage of white space design so that customers will be drawn to what matters.

Guest Checkout Shoppers are weary of opening yet another account.

Any online shopping cart software should accommodate guest services. By giving customers the opportunity to check out without leaving any personal information, you offer them the opportunity to sample your services and products. Once they have found those admirable, not only will they be more likely to come back, they will open accounts.

By utilizing the best practices, you empower your customers. Their comfort will be influential in revisits and conversions.