Home Thinking Aloud The Keys To A Shared Economy Business: Control & Collaboration

The Keys To A Shared Economy Business: Control & Collaboration


by Fabiola Stein, Sage’s Global Head of Marketing for Sage One


Just a few short years ago the “shared economy” business was a term that no one truly understood. Since then it has bloomed past being just a trend to one that keeps gaining in popularity so much so that 68 percent of people around the globe are willing to share assets with others. Millennials like the do-it-yourself business model not because of a nostalgic need for bartering, but because it creates and strengthens a sense of community.

You should be picking up on the shared economy way of getting a job done, and if you’re looking to jump into a revolution, I want to give you some keys about accessing the shared economy business through control and collaboration.

Be a control freak, in a good way.

Where is your phone? I bet you can answer that question in .3 seconds, and if you can’t you might be freaking out. Taking a look at the most popular shared economy businesses means unlocking your screen and visiting the app store on your phone. So, if you’re looking to be a part of the community, what should you already have? Well, having a good calendar is probably a number one must-have since 78 percent of consumers said they would be working multiple jobs in the next 30 years. That means working your own hours, so keep track of that time in a schedule management app like Sunrise; it’s free and connects with other major calendar services so you can see what you’ve RSVP’d to. That way, you can get that project done and sent and have time to binge-watch Game of Thrones.

Also, I know waiting isn’t your forte, but if you want the capabilities of a personal assistant but don’t trust anyone to schedule your meetings or get the right consistency for your coffee you should check out x.ai. Amy or Andrew will keep track of your schedule and respond to anyone looking to meet up with you. You have to join the waitlist, but it looks like a great app worthy of getting to know. Note: he/she won’t actually get you coffee, but she will make your life easier.

Looking for even more time to walk your dog or actually make one of those “home-cooked meals” you keep hearing about? Being a part of the shared economy and gaining a little more control for free-time means utilizing some of the cool new businesses that are popping up like shyp, which will package and send any and all of your items. We all evaluate new tech pretty quickly, so try out a bunch of new, free things like invoicing software or dogtastic day care services. You’ll be able to fill out invoice templates while taking your pup to a friendly getaway so you can get to your own getaway, hopefully.

It’s called collaborative consumption for a reason.

You’re probably ready to go solo with this shared economy thing, but when your business starts to grow or you become a part of a bigger project you’ll want everything in place for stress-free collaboration. Some of the popular software and online know-hows are Google Drive and—of course—Dropbox, but you can also use Trello. Trello is designed to keep you in touch with everyone you need during a project like a designer, a writer or that awkward but super intelligent Uber driver you met one time. You might want to keep an accountant around, too, since it’s possible you didn’t graduate with a degree in Mathematics from MIT, so look for software that makes cash management easy.

Whether you’re working for shared economy or a customer of it, we’re all a part of the same community. It’s a business that 89 percent of consumers agree makes life easier, and it saves money. Take a bit of control and mix it with collaboration and you’ll unlock a market that’s got everyone involved.


Fabiola Stein Headshot


Fabiola Stein is Sage’s Global Head of Marketing for Sage One, a cloud accounting and invoicing app for small businesses. Based at Sage in England, she handles the global digital marketing requirements for Sage business units in 14 countries. As a key player in marketing the Sage One brand, her dynamic, creative, and innovative initiatives have resulted in sustainable, profitable growth for the business. While Stein is a marketing strategist, innovator, and tactical leader from a global perspective, she has a strong passion for helping small businesses succeed.