Home Advice For The Young At Heart Reaching For New Heights: Check Out These Outdoors Business Startup Ideas

Reaching For New Heights: Check Out These Outdoors Business Startup Ideas


hay making

[Image credit: Bergadder / Pixabay]

It’s no secret that thousands of hopefuls start up new businesses each year. We live in an age where enterprise is strong. All those people want to earn a decent living. And they want to build up a brand from scratch.

The world’s your oyster when it comes to startup business ideas. There are thousands of ways to make a living these days, and many of them can get done in an office environment. But what if you’re someone that hates staying indoors all day long?

If you want to start a new business but hate the idea of sitting behind a desk all the time, this blog post is for you. Today I will share with you some exciting outdoors business ideas that you can get stuck into!

Haymaking (no, really).

Farmers need to provide enough fodder for their livestock. Cattle need to have plenty of fresh food available to help them stay strong and healthy. You might not realise it, but haymaking is a profitable industry!

If you have acres of land at your disposal, you can make a good living from selling your hay to farmers. Other potential customers include the equine and retail industries. There’s no shortage of clients that can make good use of your feed!

To be a successful haymaker, you will need to ensure that the grass has dried out well before you bale or store it for your customers. You could also offer a delivery service to your clients.

There are plenty of steps to haymaking. They must all get must get adhered to if a successful outcome is to happen! You will also need to buy the right machinery for the job, especially if there are acres of land to deal with!

Pool cleaning.

You might think that only the wealthy have swimming pools and hire pool cleaners. But, did you know that some of your best customers will be other businesses and organisations? Leisure centres, hotels, hospitals and health centres. These are just some of the places you’ll find swimming pools.

Most pool cleaners get hired to clean outdoors swimming pools. Not only is it an outdoor business, but it’s one where you get to work on your suntan during the summer months! The job of the pool cleaner is to ensure pools are clean and safe for use by people.

No two days are ever the same. You might get called out to do a quick and simple cleaning job one day. The next, you might need to spend a whole day cleaning a dilapidated pool! The work is physical, but the rewards outweigh the cons.


Another popular outdoor business idea is construction. You could get involved in one or more aspects of the construction industry. Examples include general building, roofing, safety inspections and more.

If you start a business building domestic and commercial properties, there are a few things you need to know. First, you will need to buy some plant equipment for use on building projects. Websites like AutoTrader are a great place to look for deals on used items.

You’ll also need to hire people to work for you. Labourers, “brickies,” and electricians are just some of the folks you’ll need as part of your team. It’s commonplace to hire people on a self-employed basis.

And if you build properties to sell on, you’ll need a robust business strategy. That means doing plenty of research, determining interest in building plots and so forth. If done right, your construction company can fast become a lucrative enterprise!

Gardening and Landscaping.

Perhaps the most sought-after outdoors business idea is gardening and landscaping! If you love growing plants and flowers, and prefer to work in solitude in the outdoors, this could be the business idea for you.

The possibilities are endless with gardening and landscaping. You could dedicate your work to domestic landscaping. Or you could branch out to commercial work too. Gardeners and landscapers work on a variety of projects.

It’s not uncommon to work on golf courses, bowling greens, public parks and even nature reserves! As with the other business ideas, you will need to consider what tools and machinery you will need.

Domestic gardeners might not use anything more than a lawn mower, strimmer and some hand tools. Those working for clients with big outdoors areas will need to use ride-on lawn mowers.

You might even need to use equipment for shredding leaves and trees, depending on the projects you undertake.

Window cleaning.

OK, so window cleaning isn’t the most glamorous of business ideas for those with a love of the outdoors. But it’s just as rewarding and varied as the other ideas I have talked about on this page!

Most window cleaners start by working with domestic clients. Others may also take on office window cleaning tasks too. The tools you need will depend on who you want to work for. Take domestic window cleaning as an example. You’ll only need a ladder or telescope squeegee to clean ground-floor and first-floor windows.

If you’re going to work on office buildings, you will have to abseil down the side to clean the windows. That is especially so if you’re cleaning windows on tower blocks and skyscrapers! There are two essential requirements for window cleaning.

The first is that you are aware of health and safety procedures. You can go on certified training courses so that you know what’s needed when you’re working. The second is you must not have a fear of heights! If you do, this isn’t the best business idea for you!

Gutter cleaning.

If you’d prefer a business idea where your feet are on the ground at all times, how about setting up a gutter cleaning business? In days gone by, gutter cleaners would have to get up on a ladder the same as window cleaners.

But, did you know that today’s gutter cleaners don’t need to do that? They use powerful vacuum cleaners with long-reach hoses. The end of the hoses have a wireless camera attached to them.

The operator can see what they’re cleaning through a touchscreen display on the ground. It’s a profitable business and one where the investment in equipment is low.