Home Advice For The Young At Heart How To Love Your Job

[Infographic] How To Love Your Job


Do you wake up in the mornings and drag your feet to work because you really, really hate your job? You’re not alone – according to a GfK study only 54% of Americans actively love their jobs, and 15% actually actively hate their jobs. And only slightly better for the other countries included in the survy.

But your affinity for the job is directly related to your productivity and your personal well-being, and the best way to be happy at your job is to be really good at what you do. And considering that most people spend around 37 hours at work a week, it’s pretty important to enjoy what you do.

Here’s an infographic from human resource consulting company Adecco that includes some facts and figures on the relationships between love, work and happiness. Have a read and go love your job already:

How to love your job

[Infographic credit: Adecco]