Home Resources 100 Most Inspiring People On Twitter

100 Most Inspiring People On Twitter


How do you get your inspiration? Books, blogs, websites, and movies are a great place to start, but have you ever considered trying out Twitter? Twitter is full of people who are doing all kinds of inspiring things, from helping save the world, to providing spiritual advice, to overcoming seemingly insurmountable obstacles in their lives, as well as to those who just want to help others succeed in work, fitness, and all aspects of life. We’ve compiled an extensive list here of some of the most inspirational tweeters out there that are sure to get you motivated and feeling confident, but feel free to share your own suggestions for “tweetspirational” people as well.


These tweeters will guide you toward greater spiritual connectivity through enlightening updates.

  1. @DeepakChopra: Spirituality guru Deepak Chopra offers spiritual solutions, meditation advice, and much more through his regularly updated Twitter feed.
  2. @DalaiLama: The feed of the Dalai Lama is full of amazing quotes, as well as updates on where this famous Buddhist leader will be visiting next.
  3. @soulpancake: Founded by Rainn Wilson of The Office fame, this website’s feed offers you a chance to ask the big questions in life.
  4. @yossi_ghinsberg: Feed your soul with inspiring words from motivational speaker Yossi Ghinsberg, who aspires to help people find deeper meaning in their lives.
  5. @DrWayneDyer: Author Dr. Wayne Dyer shares ideas on how to find beauty in life, connect with your divine nature, and more through his feed.
  6. @marwilliamson: Get closer to yourself and more in touch with your spiritual nature when you make author Marianne Williamson’s feed a part of your daily reading.
  7. @CoachDawn: Spirit coach Dawn Thierfelder shares tweets that will help you learn to connect with your spiritual side, find abundance, and live your passion.
  8. @Huithiang: Find new ways to discover happiness and get in touch with your faith through the tweets of Khamneithang Viaphei.
  9. @MaxLucado: Minister and author Max Lucado touches on a variety of faith-based issues, perfect for those looking to get inspired by Christian religious philosophies.
  10. @EckhartTolle: Seek out inner peace and awaken your inner spirituality with the teachings of Eckhart Tolle.
  11. @eleesha: If you’re in search of a little spiritual guidance, head to this feed to find inspiration, affirmations, quotes, and more.


Use these Twitter feeds to inspire changes, both big and small, in your life.

  1. @JulieMorgenstrn: Learn to lead a more organized and productive life from best-selling author and organization consultant Julie Morgenstern.
  2. @larrywinget: The so-called “Pitbull of Personal Development” Larry Winget shares ideas big and small for changing your life, from starting a business to expanding your horizons.
  3. @pwdan: Dan Millman, author of Way of the Peaceful Warrior, uses his Twitter feed to encourage readers to make changes in their lives, right now.
  4. @dothegreenthing: Andy Hobsbawm hopes to inspire you to live a greener, more sustainable life through the posts on this feed.
  5. @ManVsDebt: Need to get your finances in order? Blogger Adam Baker will inspire you to change for the better, sharing his own struggles with debt.
  6. @TheEntertainer: Billed as the intersection between self-help and comedy, Scott Brandon Hoffman offers both humor and inspirational advice to readers.
  7. @jonathanmead: If you’ve been looking to quit your day job and follow your true passion, you’ll find the feed of Jonathan Mead incredibly inspiring.
  8. @duffmcduffee: Head to Duff McDuffee’s feed to get some advice on making changes in your life and becoming mindful.
  9. @codymckibb: You can learn more about Cody McKibben though his blog, Thrilling Heroics, or his feed here on Twitter. Why? Because you’ll find amazing lessons on social entrepreneurship, digital nomads, permanent travel, and more.
  10. @seanogle: Sitting in your cubicle and dreaming of quitting your job, jetting around the world, and starting your own business? Sean Ogle did it, and you can read about his experience here.

Productivity, Leadership, and Work

Learn how to get more out of the time you put into work, with advice from these expert tweeters.

  1. @tferriss: Author of the famous 4-Hour Workweek, writer and blogger Tim Ferriss shares ideas on how to be more productive, live more, and get in better shape in less time.
  2. @gtdguy: Here you’ll find the original productivity guru, David Allen, sharing updates about his appearances as well as inspirational quotes.
  3. @ThisIsSethsBlog: Marketing master Seth Godin tweets ideas for businesses, but many can be applied to just about any facet of life for all-around inspiration.
  4. @stevepavlina: Get productivity tips from Steve Pavlina, blogger, author, and expert time manager, here.
  5. @StephenRCovey: Covey’s book The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People has sold millions of copies worldwide and helped numerous people learn how to be better both personally and professionally. His feed is full of his own wisdom as well as great inspirational quotes.
  6. @_robin_sharma: Get insights into leadership, success, and communication through the tweets of author Robin Sharma.
  7. @jack_welch: Need a little inspiration to get your business off of the ground? Read through the feed of management expert Jack Welch.
  8. @JohnCMaxwell: Leadership speaker and author John C. Maxwell tweets on issues like adaptability, communication, dedication, and much more.
  9. @DraytonBoylston: Visit this feed to read tweets from leadership expert and executive coach A. Drayton Boylston. There are loads of inspirational tidbits to help you be a better leader and manager.
  10. @ginatrapani: Founder and former editor of Lifehacker, Gina Trapani can offer more than a few tips for living well and being productive, with a tech-focus.
  11. @RobynMcMaster: Robyn McMaster specializes in brain-based business innovation and her tweets touch on topics like leadership, creativity, and learning.
  12. @RajSetty: Find inspiring new ideas for starting a business or jump-starting a career on Rajesh Setty’s feed.
  13. @ebenpagan: Eben Pagan’s feed covers a wide range of topics, from marketing to psychology, to philosophy to yoga to making money. And that’s just a start!
  14. @kenblanchard: Speaker and business guru Ken Blanchard has loads of wisdom on management to offer followers.
  15. @JosephRanseth: Get amazing business advice, inspiration, and motivation from marketer, author, and speaker Joseph Ranseth on this feed.
  16. @AnnTran_: Get advice on everything from blogging to leadership from social media consultant Ann Tran when you check out this feed.
  17. @LollyDaskal: Learn to lead with your heart as much as your head by following the amazing advice of author and coach Lolly Daskal.
  18. @chrisguillebeau: Learn what it takes to start your own company and be your own boss from this tweeter, who declares he’ll be self-employed for life.
  19. @CorbettBarr: Get advice on building a viable online business and enjoying all the freedom that comes along with it from blogger and entrepreneur Corbett Barr.

Fitness and Health

Need a little inspiration to get to the gym? These Twitter feeds can help.

  1. @MyTrainerBob: Former Biggest Loser trainer Bob Harper offers advice on eating healthy, working out, and getting in shape here.
  2. @TonyHorton: Are you ready to bring it? The fitness fanatic behind the popular P90X series, Tony Horton, shares some motivation to get fit through his feed.
  3. @lancearmstrong: Cancer survivor and seven-time Tour de France winner Lance Armstrong tweets about everything from being a dad to smoking to exercise.
  4. @skinnyjeans: Get inspired to slip into some skinny jeans from health curator and food photographer Stephanie Quilao.
  5. @JillianMichaels: She’s intimidating, but she’s also motivating. Follow this famous trainer to start kicking your journey to better health into high gear.
  6. @lissarankin: Looking for another reason besides the physical why you might be feeling sick? Dr. Lissa Rankin might have the insights you need to start changing your life for the better.
  7. @MarielHemingway: Mariel Hemingway, granddaughter of noted author Ernest Hemingway, tweets ideas on how to live healthier in both body and mind.
  8. @johnisfit: Follow John as he works to get fit, starting at a weight of nearly 300 pounds. His struggle to lose the weight and get in shape can help inspire your own fitness journey.
  9. @Kris_Carr: Author and wellness warrior Kris Carr will help inspire you to eat better and care for your body.
  10. @DailyEvolution: Here you’ll find the feed for personal trainer and fitness coach Alicia Kirschenheiter, with tweets all about her Evolution Total Wellness business.


You can get yourself motivated to do just about anything with a little help from these Twitter users.

  1. @PlanetSelf: Aidan Breslin offers inspiration and motivation to improve your lifestyle, health, wealth, and more on this feed.
  2. @MRLESBROWN: While this isn’t the official feed of leading author and speaker Les Brown (he seems to have deactivated his official account), it’s still a great place to get access to incredibly inspiring quotes from him.
  3. @inspiremetoday: Founder of InspireMeToday.com, Gail Lynne Goodwin offers some great reading material all about empowering and motivating yourself.
  4. @tonyrobbins: One of the most famous motivational speakers in the world, Tony Robbins shares some inspirational advice via Twitter.
  5. @DixieDynamite: Life coach Dixie Gillaspie shares great quotes to inspire and motivate you to move past all the “I can’ts” in your life.
  6. @Randy_Gage: Randy Gage encourages people to live richly, embrace abundance, and get inspired.
  7. @ralphmarston: Ralph Marston’s feed is a great place to find daily doses of motivation. Need more? Head to his blog The Daily Motivator.
  8. @dahara: Having a bad day? Stop by this feed to read some quotes that will help you push through any obstacles in your way.
  9. @joelrunyon: Joel Runyon wants people to push their limits and do the impossible, no matter what that means for each person. His feed, needless to say, is incredibly inspiring.
  10. @tylertervooren: Tyler Tervooren works to inspire people to take risks and get motivated sharing his own life and travels.

Inspirational Stories

Find all kinds of inspirational people and stories through these feeds.

  1. @SomalyMam: Survivor and anti-slavery activist Somaly Mam uses her feed to inspire others to help end the worldwide sex trafficking problem.
  2. @LIVESTRONGCEO: Here, you can get inspired by cancer survivor and CEO Doug Ulman, as he tweets on a variety of health issues.
  3. @NelsonMandela: You won’t find the elderly Mandela himself here, but you will be able to read a powerful collection of his quotes.
  4. @TEDchris: You’ll find a wealth of great TED content here, as well as articles and other inspirational content from TED curator Chris Anderson.
  5. @nickvujicic: Nick Vujicic was born with no arms or legs, but he hasn’t let that slow him down. Follow his feed to hear inspiring quotes and see where this Australian speaker will turn up next.
  6. @guykawasaki: If you’re in need of interesting or inspiring news stories, former Apple employee and current co-founder of Alltop Guy Kawasaki is a great place to begin your search.
  7. @SeanSwarner: Given just three months to live, Sean Swarmer never thought he’d climb Everest, but that’s just what he did, surviving cancer and living to inspire others and fight cancer by climbing peaks around the world.
  8. @Wisdomalacarte: If you’re in short supply of wisdom, head to the feed of Daniel Foisy who posts loads of quotes on conscious living, spirituality, and more.


These inspirational tweeters will help you find ways to make your life a happier one.

  1. @zen_habits: Author of the popular Zen Habits blog, Leo Babuta offers ideas on how to make your life simpler, better, and happier.
  2. @gretchenrubin: You’ll want to start your own Happiness Project when you learn about the work of author Gretchen Rubin, here.
  3. @marknolan: With a bio stating “just trying to be the person my dog thinks I am,” you know you’re in for some great inspirational content, and that’s just what you’ll get from joy blogger Mark Nolan.
  4. @ByronKatie: Are you ready to do The Work? Through her feed, Katie Byron shares ways you can address the anger, fear, and sadness in your life and the world.
  5. @SuzieCheel: Law of Attraction and Empowerment coach Suzie Cheel uses her feed to share ways readers can bring more positive things into their lives.
  6. @DrMiaRose: Need to improve the relationships in your life, including the one you have with yourself? Get some advice from Mia Rose on the matter.
  7. @LoriMoreno: Get a little more love in your life through the quotes and advice from PR and networking consultant Lori Moreno.
  8. @AriaaJaeger: Founder of the Love Out Loud Movement, Ariaa Jaeger offers up a healthy mix of classic quotes and her Ariaaisms on this feed.


Want to change the world? First, learn a bit more about what people are already doing to make big changes.

  1. @sloane: Founder of the Causmopolitan, a blog and site dedicated to volunteering and giving back, Sloane Berrent fills her feed with great ideas for helping others.
  2. @pcousteau: Phillipe Cousteau, son of the world-famous Jacques Cousteau, follows in his father’s footsteps but in a different way, instead sponsoring a wealth of social entrepreneurship projects and charities dedicated to preserving the world’s oceans.
  3. @CharityIdeas: Follow Amy Neumann to learn more about doing social good, being sustainable, and staying optimistic.
  4. @YogaHopeSue: Sue Jones is the founder of a nonprofit yoga outreach project for underserved populations. Read more about her and her project here.
  5. @scottharrison: Learn more about the CEO of charity: water Scott Harrison and his mission to bring clean water to people around the world.
  6. @destroynormal: Taylor Conroy wants to destroy normal — in a good way, of course. Read his feed to get inspired to change the world in your own way, just as he does to help end some of the world’s worst injustices.

Authors and Academics

Famous authors, professors, and journalists can be found in these feeds.

  1. @paulocoelho: Brazilian author Paulo Coelho shares wit and wisdom (often in Portuguese) through his regularly updated Twitter feed.
  2. @CornelWest: Academic superstar, intellectual, and racial justice activist Cornel West shares history lessons, great quotes, and political insights here.
  3. @Gladwell: If you love the work of Malcolm Gladwell, then follow the noted author and journalist here to get access to great questions, quotes, and commentary.
  4. @alaindebotton: Alain de Boton has written several notable books on philosophy, relationships, happiness, and other inspirational topics. Check out his feed for interesting and sometimes humorous thoughts on today’s world.


Get behind the movements these inspirational activists are pushing for by following them on Twitter.

  1. @ShelbyKnox: Feminist organizer Shelby Knox helps rally women to fight for equality through her feed, with a few lessons in women’s history along the way.
  2. @OneDressProtest: Do we really need a closet full of clothes? Get inspired to live with less and be more sustainable through Kristy Powell’s One Dress project.

Interesting People

You won’t find any other tweeters like these interesting individuals.

  1. @gregorylent: From examining the purpose of life to working with non-linear thinking, Gregory Lent offers a new way of looking at just about everything.
  2. @FarrukhSiddiqui: HR professional Farrukh Siddiqui shares updates about his native Pakistan as well as some truly inspirational quotes.
  3. @emiliewapnick: Ever wonder what your life would be like if you pursued another of your interests? Emilie Wapnick lives like that every day, refusing to settle on a single life path.

Big Names

You’ll likely have heard of these big names, who can offer inspiration to improve your life, do good, or kick butt in business.

  1. @richardbranson: Founder and CEO of Virgin, Richard Branson is a bit of a rogue in the business world. Learn more about the man and his life (as well as a few inspirational quotes) through this great feed.
  2. @zappos: You can get connected with Zappos CEO Tony Hsieh, here, and learn why treating people well, customers or otherwise, is the secret to success.
  3. @BillGates: Check out Microsoft mogul Bill Gates’ feed to learn more about his charitable work.
  4. @SuzeOrmanShow: Author, TV show host, motivational speaker, and personal finance expert Suze Orman shares tips and advice on changing your financial situation.
  5. @Oprah: Many people find Oprah to be incredibly inspiring, both for her personal story and the stories of others she helps to share with the world.
  6. @ebertchicago: Roger Ebert may have lost his voice, but social media has helped him to stay connected through the written word.
  7. @hillharper: Actor Hill Harper is also an empowerment author and speaker who shares some great tweets on the topic through his feed.
  8. @UncleRUSH: Russell Simmons might be a music mogul, but his Twitter feed isn’t just music-focused. In fact, you’ll find some great inspirational quotes to lift you up.
  9. @RevRunWisdom: Rapper and reverend, Run shares faith and motivational quotes on his feed.


This article was first posted on Hat Toss.


  1. Wow, what a great list! Thank you for compiling this.

    I’m honored to be included on your list among such an amazing group of people.
    With gratitude and hugs, Gail Lynne GoodwinInspireMeToday.com

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