Home Others The Ultimate CEO Twitter List

The Ultimate CEO Twitter List


CEOs: they’re just like us! Well, maybe not just like us, but many of them do something that a lot of us also enjoy: they’re on Twitter.

Whether they’re streaming information about their latest developments or just photos from an afternoon baseball game, we’re seeing more CEOs on Twitter than ever before. Following CEOs on Twitter offers amazing access into what’s gotten their attention, what they think is important, and even the fact that they’re people, too. Check out our list of more than 100 CEOs on Twitter, and be sure to let us know if there are any that we missed!


Most tech CEOs tend to understand the power of Twitter, and as such, this is the most popular category. Legendary tech entrepreneurs, startup celebrities, and even the creators of Twitter itself are on the service.

  • @dickc: The CEO of Twitter, Dick Costolo, is obviously an active user on Twitter.
  • @jack: Twitter founder Jack Dorsey is on Twitter as well, sharing updates from his work as the CEO of Square.
  • @MichaelDell: Follow Michael Dell, Chairman and CEO of Dell.
  • @dens: Co-founder and CEO of Foursquare Dennis Crowley gets personal on his Twitter account, sharing his interests in soccer and hidden urban art.
  • @timoreilly: Founder and CEO of O’Reilly Media Tim O’Reilly shares the stories of the alpha geeks on Twitter.
  • @todsacerdoti: As the CEO and founder of Brightroll, Tod Sacerdoti shares his insight into digital video advertising.
  • @jamystewart: J’Amy Stewart shares her insight as CEO and co-founder of Infonetics, discussing the data industry on @jamystewart.
  • @DrBobParsons: You know Bob Parsons as the executive chairman and founder of GoDaddy, but @DrBobParsons has so much more to share with Twitter, discussing his work as the CEO and founder of GoAZMoto, plus his work with The Parsons Foundation.
  • @gazelle_CEO: Gazelle CEO Israel Ganot discusses gadget trade-in, smarter consumption, and reCommerce.
  • @Michels: Oren Michels, CEO of Mashery, offers insight into API management, services, and more.
  • @dennysantoso: Founder and CEO if SixReps.com Danny Santoso tweets all about social fitness, fat loss, and nutrition.
  • @brrhodes: IceRocket search engine founder and CEO Blake Rhodes tweets about his insights into social media and the online world.
  • @plibin: Find out what Evernote CEO Phil Libin has to say about startups, tech, and of course, taking notes.
  • @jeremys: Learn about the industry of online reviews from Yelp co-founder and CEO Jeremy Stoppelman.
  • @artpapas: CEO and founder of Bullhorn, @artpapas is an authority on recruiting technology.
  • @SteveWoda: Steve Woda is the CEO and co-founder of uKnow.com, offering insight into safety and security online.
  • @brevsin: CEO of CampusLive.com Boris Revsin discusses the startup life and his love for Boston.
  • @missrogue: Tara Hunt, CEO of Buyosphere, discusses her insight into customer service.
  • @missusP: Christine Perkett, CEO of PerkettPR shares her view as the head honcho of one of tech’s best PR companies.
  • @matthewjhoward: Founder and CEO of ZoomSafer Matt Howard discusses safe driving here on Twitter.
  • @DuncanWierman: Duncan Wierman, software CEO, shares his insight into creative online marketing.
  • @apatzer: Although infrequent, Mint.com CEO Aaron Patzer tweets about his work, plus what other, similar startups are doing.
  • @eldsjal: CEO and founder of Spotify Daniel Ek offers not just updates on news and features of the service, but also a little customer service and tech support.
  • @Jason: Mahalo CEO Jason Calacanis loves to talk tech and discuss startups.
  • @RealTonyRocha: Twitter celebrity, CEO, and web investor Tony Rocha stays active on his Twitter account with plenty of news and opinion.
  • @davemorin: Co-founder and CEO of Path Dave Morin shares developments from his work on @davemorin.
  • @brian_wong: Follow Brian Wong, founder and CEO of Kipp, a rewards network for virtual achievements.
  • @photomatt: Social media entrepreneur Matt Mullenweg is doing a little bit of everything these days, tweeting about his roles with WordPress, Automattic, Akismet, and more.
  • @jocke: Joakim Jardenberg, CEO of Mindpark, shares his influence as a netizen and senior advisor on “stuff that matters” as @jocke.
  • @avneron: Boxee CEO Averner Ronen is obsessed with his work, sharing his input as he “spends his days working on boxee” and “spends his nights dreaming of boxee.”
  • @danielbru: Daniel Brusilovsky is the founder and CEO of Teens in Tech Labs, as well as associate producer of Olive the Movie.
  • @sethpriebatsch: “Chief Ninja” of SCVNGR Seth Priebatsch discusses SCVNGR developments, technology, and more.
  • @Chad_Hurley: Follow social media heavy hitter @Chad_Hurley, the CEO of Delicious and co-founder of YouTube.
  • @jerBrightcove: Founder and CEO of Brightcove Jeremy Allaire discusses video services and beyond.
  • @gregbrownmoto: Chairman and CEO of Motorola Solutions isn’t terribly active, but he’s readily available on Twitter as @gregbrownmoto.
  • @bonforte: CEO of Xobni Jeff Bonforte discusses how people can email and communicate smarter.
  • @tallboy6: Find out what eBay CEO John Donahoe is up to on @tallboy6.
  • @yodera: CEO of Webtrends Alex Yoder talks strategic vision in digital marketing on Twitter as @yodera.
  • @Jesse: Author, blogger, and consultant Jesse Stay is also the CEO of SocialToo.com, tweeting about the latest developments in social interaction.
  • @eugenelee: Socialtext CEO Eugene Lee tweets about getting business value out of social software.
  • @corbett3000: Peter Corbett, CEO of iStrategyLabs discusses engaging communities through innovation on @corbett3000.

Foundations, Associations & Non-Profits

Spreading the good news on Twitter are several CEOs of foundations, nonprofits, and even industry associations.

  • @mattflannery: Follow co-founder and CEO of Kiva.org Matt Flannery to learn about the great work his organization is doing.
  • @LIVESTRONGCEO: Livestrong CEO Dough Ulman shares his optimism and inspiration on Twitter.
  • @nancylublin: Nancy Lublin is the CEO of Do Something, sharing her work in national cause campaigns for teens.
  • @jeffraikes: Follow Jeff Raikes, CEO of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to find out about the latest projects and more from the foundation.
  • @BillGates: Chairman of Microsoft, Co-Chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, CEO of Cascade Investment, and Chairman of Corbis Bill Gates is busy, but he makes time to share updates and insight on Twitter.
  • @jnovogratz: Jacqueline Novogratz is the CEO of Acumen Fund tweeting about updates from her work tackling poverty around the world.
  • @smallarmyjeff: Small Army founder and CEO Jeff Freedman discusses building brand relationships and fighting cancer.
  • @ScottKelby: President and CEO of the National Association of Photoshop Professionals Scott Kelby has a lot to say about Photoshop and photography.
  • @JimKnickman: Check out James Knickman to see what’s going on with health in New York, with his updates as the President and CEO of the New York State Health Foundation.
  • @ibarguen: Follow along with Alberto Ibarguen, Knight Foundation CEO, as he discusses the promotion of informed and engaged communities.
  • @Risalavizzo: Follow @Risalavizzo to find insights from Risa Lavizzo-Mourey, the CEO of Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.
  • @PeterLongBSCF: Peter Long is the President and CEO of Blue Shield of California Foundation, tweeting about making quality health care accessible for all.
  • @CarbonHeart: Matthew Sullivan, Carbon Advice Group Founder and CEO, tweets about what we can do to address climate change.
  • @jcanales: Jim Canales, President and CEO of The James Irvine Foundation, shares how they’re working to expand opportunities for the people of California.

Business Advising & Resources

These CEOs are in the business of helping other CEOs, filling employment needs, sales software, and Twitter streams.

  • @smallbiztrends: As Small Business Trends CEO, Anita Campbell shares the latest news in trends for the small business sector.
  • @hamlesh: As CEO of Peritus Group, Hamlesh Motah talks about tech, finance, motorbikes, and pulling up troubled businesses.
  • @davidrutkauskas: The CEO of Beautiful Brands discusses how your great idea can be branded into greatness.
  • @jamescaan: James Caan is a serial entrepreneur and CEO of the Hamilton Bradshaw private equity firm.
  • @CEO_INGDIRECT: Peter Aceto, CEO of ING Direct Canada offers insight on finance, business, and even learning online.
  • @FrancisBoulle: CEO of FundMine Francis Boulle talks angel investment and venture capital on @FrancisBoulle.
  • @howardlindzon: Howard Lindzon, CEO and co-founder of Stocktwits.com tweets about trends in social finance.
  • @StevePoizner: As the CEO of Encore Career Institute, Steve Poizner discusses addressing the education and employment needs of baby boomers.
  • @gcolony: Forrester Research CEO George Colony tweets about what drives the success of CEOs.
  • @Benioff: Marc Benioff, leader of Salesforce.com, has plenty to share on business, sales, startups, and software.
  • @ManpowerGroupJJ: Follow ManpowerGroup chairman and CEO Jeff Joerres for insight into the job market, unemployment, and which jobs employers are struggling to fill.
  • @TomHCAnderson: CEO of Anderson Analytics Tom HC Anderson discusses next gen market research and text analytics.
  • @CHRISVOSS: Strategix One CEO Chris Voss shares his expertise in social media and strategic business consulting on Twitter.
  • @jasonalba: Follow JibberJobber CEO Jason Alba to learn about how professionals can manage their careers online.
  • @RickM: Rick Myers is the founder and CEO of Talent Zoo, tweeting all about digital jobs searching.

Marketing & PR

Good marketers know Twitter is not to be ignored, and it’s clear that these marketing and PR CEOs have embraced the service.

  • @randfish: Rand Fishkin is the CEO and founder of SEOmoz, frequently tweeting about inbound marketing, SEO, startups, and entrepreneurship.
  • @kelkelly: Founder and CEO of Kel & Partners Kel Kelly discusses what it’s like to run an anti-agency agency that works in social media.
  • @CommunispaceCEO: Communispace CEO Diane Hessan is a lover of all things marketing, baseball, and politics.
  • @Ischaefer: Deep Focus CEO Ian Schaefer loves to tweet about branding and advertising, especially in social media.
  • @skaritt: Social media junkie and CEO of FlockMarketing.com tweets all about marketing through social networking.
  • @tombed: CEO of AKQA Tom Bedecarre discusses his work in digital marketing and technology serves.
  • @FuelOnline: Fuel CEO Scott Levy has been working in social media and SEO since 1997.
  • @DaveBalter: BzzAgent CEO Dave Balter discusses word of mouth marketing in a major way.
  • @leplan: This InRev CEO is a great follow if you’re interested in demystifying Twitter marketing.
  • @InboundSales: The founder and CEO of Inbound Sales Network Andrew Hunt shares his findings as he looks for better ways to make sales and marketing work together.

Media & Art

Traditional and online publishing, TV, and even celebrities make up our media and art CEO Twitter list.

  • @mashable: CEO of Mashable Pete Cashmore is full of the latest news and resources for developments among the “connected generation.”
  • @mediatrustpete: Follow MediaTrust CEO Peter Bordes for discussions on performance marketing and interactive advertising.
  • @SteveForbesCEO: Media magnate and CEO of Forbes Media Steve Forbes tweets about media trends, innovation, and investment.
  • @copyblogger: Brian Clark, Copyblogger Media CEO, shares his view on content marketing, copywriting, and online publishing on Twitter.
  • @JohnFMoore: Gov In The Lab magazine founder and CEO John Moore discusses bridging the divide between citizens, politicians, and the government.
  • @BewarMaronsi: Universal Digest CEO Bewar Maronsi, developing an interactive writing community that makes a difference.
  • @upbeatmag: Bridget Petrella tweets about being a zen-like CEO and entrepreneur on @upbeatmag.
  • @joshpeak: Josh Peak is the co-CEO of specialty online advertising agency Authority Media Group.
  • @BrandonTalks: CEO and founder of Vidfair Brandon Keating tweets about making people popular as a new media mogul.
  • @RayJ: RayJ is the CEO of Knockout Entertainment and RnB Productions, sharing his insight as an artist, as well as a music and TV producer.
  • @JasonBinn: CEO and founder of dujour.com Jason Binn has a lot to share about the world of niche media.
  • @garyvee: @VaynerMedia CEO Gary Vaynerchuk loves to talk social media, the thank-you economy, and of course, wine, on his highly interactive Twitter account.
  • @GeorgeRJensenJR: George Jensen is the CEO of StarValue Productions, offering insight into the industry of social networking entertainment.
  • @LA_Reid: Learn about the music industry from LA Reid, chairman and CEO of Epic Records.
  • @PaulKirchoff: CEO of SaleAMP Paul Kirchoff tweets about performance Internet marketing.
  • @brookeburke: CEO of Modern Mom CEO Brooke Burke shares updates from Dancing with the Stars, her book, and her role as a mom.
  • @GaryStockman: Porter Novelli CEO Gary Stockman tweets about global communications and the interplay between people and technology.
  • @sherylunderwood: The Talk co-host Sheryl Underwood moonlights as a comedienne and CEO of Pack Rat Productions.
  • @ashanti: Famous musician and CEO of Written Entertainment Ashanti shares her latest here on Twitter.
  • @demandrichard: Richard Rosenblatt is the co-founder and CEO of Demand Media.
  • @ScottBourne: BMG CEO and publisher of Photofocus.com Scott Bourne has a lot to share about media and art on @ScottBourne.

…And More

Politics, entrepreneurship, health care, and retail sales all round out our list of incredible CEOs that are active on Twitter.

  • @richardbranson: Follow Virgin CEO Richard Branson for insight into entrepreneurship at its finest.
  • @AnthonyGemma: Follow CEO and Congress candidate Anthony Gemma here on Twitter.
  • @zappos: Zappos CEO Tony Hsieh tweets about delivering happiness, two shoes at a time, plus great inspiration.
  • @betashop: Fab CEO Jason Goldberg discusses “the product” on @betashop.
  • @JeffBooth: Follow Jeff Booth, founder and CEO of BuildDirect, for discussions on business strategy, home improvement, and transforming the building materials industry.
  • @CraigHerkert: President and CEO of Supervalu Craig Herkert discusses retail sustainability and the supermarket life.
  • @AmFamJack: Jack Salzwedel is the chairman and CEO of American Family Mutual Insurance Group, discussing finance, insurance, and even politics.
  • @MedtronicCEO: Medtronic CEO Omar Ishrak is a great person to follow and learn about the latest in medical technology.
  • @mtbert: Mark T. Bertolini is chairman and CEO at Aetna, but he prefers to make things personal, tweeting about family life and sports.
  • @coffeemaverick: Follow Dillanos Coffee Roasters CEO David Morris to find out about the latest in the coffee world.
  • @rickseaney: CEO of FareCompare Rick Seaney shares his passion for finding air travel deals.
  • @chestales: CEO of Delicious, TV chef judge and author of Chefs Tales Michael Saxon tweets here as @Chefstales.
  • @tonyfernandes: Learn about travel, soccer, and entrepreneurship from Tony Fernandes, CEO of AirAsia.
  • @tonyhawk: Skateboarding CEO Tony Hawk discusses his life as a kid chauffeur and videogame character on @tonyhawk.
  • @Solarplant: As CEO of Doosan Group, Yongmaan Park discusses nuclear power and related topics as @Solarplant.
  • @FredCuellar: Founder and CEO of Diamond Cutters International Fred Cuellar tweets his favorite news stories and inspiration as @FredCuellar.
  • @ThomRainer: President and CEO of LifeWay Christian Stores Thom Rainer shares his favorite links and insights through his Twitter account.
  • @FREDHASSEN: CEO, owner, and founder of Sit Means Sit Fred Hassen offers plenty of tweets about dog training.


This article was first posted in Online MBA.