Home Thinking Aloud What Are You Doing When New Ideas Happen?

[Infographic] What Are You Doing When New Ideas Happen?


Can you remember what you were doing the last time you came up with a great idea?

Dane Carlson of Business Opportunities Weblog (www.business-opportunities.biz) wondered what people are normally doing when new ideas strike, and surveyed his audience.

Here was the result in the form of an infographic (do note that the number of people who responded to the survey isn’t stated so this survey isn’t exactly scientific or conclusive):

Almost 40-percent of the audience polled were showering when they encountered a “Eureka!” moment. Dreaming in your sleep doesn’t seem to be a good source of inspiration at just 1-percent.

What were you doing last when you came up with a great idea? Let us know in the comments below.