Home Thinking Aloud Focus.com – Top Entrepreneurs Of The Last Century

Focus.com – Top Entrepreneurs Of The Last Century


Focus.com has shared with us 20 top entrepreneurs in the last century through a nice graphic. The list includes Apple’s Steve Jobs, Microsoft’s Bill Gates, Walmart’s Sam Walton and Ford’s Henry Ford.

It is a nice list but without Asians. I admit… our achievements haven’t been quite groundbreaking compared to the West but we are really working our way up.

As of now, I would pick Alibaba Group’s Jack Ma as my favorite entrepreneur in Asia. Qihoo’s Zhou Hongyi is also another entrepreneur worth mentioning. It is quite a feat for China Daily to name him the “new economic figure” for the next ten years.

There are also several successful Asian entrepreneurs featured on Businessweek and Inc.. They are certainly worth a look too. One of the up and coming entrepreneurs, Leon Ho, founder of Stepcase who recently had his startup covered on Penn Olson was also featured in Businessweek. In fact, we have featured a total of 32 Asian start-ups in the last three months. More to come, we promise.

Enjoy the stories and let us know your favorite entrepreneur via comments below.

This article was first published on Penn-Olson, a tech, business and marketing blog focusing on US and Asia. Penn-Olson is a Young Upstarts content partner.