Home In the News This Week in Asia Episode 71: Startup Organizer Summit with Marc Nager...

This Week in Asia Episode 71: Startup Organizer Summit with Marc Nager and Chris McCann


This Week In Asia host Daniel CerVentus is over in Kansas City, Missouri in America for Startup Organizer Summit where he is joined by Marc Nager of Startup Weekend and Chris McCann of Startup Digest talks about their plans for coming to do more stuff in Asia and what is the whole startup organizers community is all about.

Startup Weekend is where people come together to start companies over the weekend and Startup Digest is a curated email based on countries on what cool events you should attend.


This article was first posted at ThisWeekInAsia, a podcast that caters to what’s the hot and interesting news dominating the web and tech landscape in Asia, and a Young Upstarts content syndication partner.


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