Home In the News Of 65 Bits, Nine Geeks And A Hundred Kick-Ass Episodes

Of 65 Bits, Nine Geeks And A Hundred Kick-Ass Episodes


Geeks in Singapore rejoice! Tech podcasters Tech65 yesterday celebrated the live recording of their 100th episode with great cheer at Geek Terminal, along with a rabid audience of many regulars in the social media scene in Singapore. The original crew of four – whom I spoke to earlier in June this year – has now grown to a team of nine, and includes familiar local bloggers such as Nicole, DK and Hisham. With this expanded team, Tech65 will finally be able to put up written reviews of the *awesome* stuff they feature in their podcasts.

Interesting, the team also unveiled a new channel – Gear65 – which is a video podcast that checks out the latest gadgets and other tech toys known to bring orgasmic pleasure to grown boys (and girls).

Traditional media watch out – you’re in danger of letting a bunch of young punks pwn you in this space. Woot!