Home Professionalisms Twitter – The Potential For Marketers

Twitter – The Potential For Marketers



I didn’t used to like Twitter.  After all, who could be interested in using the micro-blogging service (except for egomaniacs who think that the entire world is interested in whatever they’re doing)?

As you can tell – I’ve changed my mind. There’s great potential here for marketers.

Just think – Would you be interested in receiving this tweet:

tonyskateshop: today only –  50% off on skateboards. condition: trade in your used deck.

Or this:

dannypizza: mother’s day special this weekend –  bring mom and she dines free.

I think someone would. The potential is endless.

It’s too tough to implement, I hear you say. Well, it’s also tough not having enough business.

Addendum: Here’s an excellent article from MarketingVOX on using Twitter to build brand integrity.