Home Advice For The Young At Heart How A Startup With Young Founders Can Legitimize Their Company Without Needing...

How A Startup With Young Founders Can Legitimize Their Company Without Needing A Huge Investment


A tough part about starting a company at an extremely young age is difficulty finding investors. There have been a multitude of entrepreneurs that were doubted due to their age. While this is less prevalent than in the past it should be noted that it still occurs depending on the niche of business.

Making the business look as legitimate as possible is important for a variety of reasons. Doing this can help land larger clients as well as helping with future funding opportunities. The best tactic is to take a proactive approach to making the company look as attractive as possible for potential customers.

The following are ways that a startup with a young staff can help legitimize their company without a huge investment.

It Starts With The Website, Then Marketing It.

The last thing that an investor wants to do is to inject their money into a company that cannot even handle designing a website in a professional manner. Consumers are very similar as seeing a poorly designed website can lead a potential customer to think that the company or website is untrustworthy. The last thing anyone wants to do when purchasing something online or visiting a company website is to have their information stolen. For this reason putting the company’s best foot forward is imperative as the first impression many people will have about the company is that of the website.

Once the website is designed then it is time to hone in on a digital marketing strategy. Building up authority on the search engines not only will drive customers to your website but also makes a company look far more legitimate. Being in between two well-known companies in competitive search results will help quell any reservations a consumer has about working with or purchasing from a new company. Creating quality content will help drive backlinks as well as traffic to the company blog. Do not waste money or time on generic content as today’s consumers are far pickier than ever before when ti comes to the content they spend time reading, watching, or listening to.

The most important thing besides quality when it comes to content is utilizing different types. Podcasting can be a great way to get a company’s name out there especially if inviting guests that work in the industry. Not only can this expand readership but it can create mutually beneficial relationships going forward with the companies that guests work for or own.

Renting Out Spaces For Events Or Meetings.

An important sales meeting being hosted in a garage is a quick way to have even the best of pitches denied. Luckily you do not have to sign a long and expensive lease just to have meetings. There are offices and spaces that can be rented on platforms for a small fee whenever the company has important meetings. For more information check out https://meetinkz.com/ to see other options for things like conference rooms. This can also come in handy when hosting a meeting in another city as it can be tough to pitch a potential client in their office as it can feel like they have the upper hand. An added benefit is that clients will think you have locations in numerous places which can help a small company seem a little bit larger than it is.

Happy Customers Are More Likely To Recommend A Business.

Happy customers are much more likely to go on review sites or recommend a colleague or friend to a business if they are more than satisfied with a startup’s work. Managing the reviews of customers is very important though as lack of response can be viewed as lack of care if there is a negative review given. LinkedIn can be the perfect place to ask for recommendations as it is public to those visiting a company’s profile. Employees should also build up their profile on this platform as in a B2B setting it seems like everyone does some social media research before reaching out or getting on a call.

Be Present At Industry Conferences Or Tradeshows.

The easiest way to start building a name is that of attending industry events like that of a conference or tradeshow. Others in the industry being aware of a startup can allow for the opportunity to have work contracted out to it. Building rapport is imperative at these types of events as building good contacts can be invaluable. Make sure that staff acts appropriately as many of these events can turn into a drunken night quickly which can give the startup a bad look. In the case of a startup with a younger staff it is important to show restraint as many companies might not want to work with the company that parties more like a fraternity than young professionals.

Take your professional career to another level by legitimizing a startup you have worked so hard to build. Do not let your age get in the way as it is just a number!