Home Others 4 Tips To Getting More Site Traffic For Your Startup

4 Tips To Getting More Site Traffic For Your Startup


When it comes to running a business startup, you likely know that generating traffic is as important as creating effective content. After all, the articles and infographics you make will not give you the advantage you need if they don’t fit into a specific plan for generating more traffic.

Your website is an investment you don’t want to overlook. That being said, you will need to make sure to use the right approaches when using your website to attract more visitors. This can translate to an increase in potential sales and, hence, greater growth.

As you build your website, consider these tips. They can definitely help you get more unique traffic.

1. Optimize site speed.

When it comes to getting more visitors through your website, it’s important to optimize your website’s loading speed. Search engines typically prioritize high-quality sites. After you have a suitably intuitive design, it’s equally important to reduce the time it takes for a web page to load.

You can do a few simple tweaks to optimize your site’s loading speed. First of all, try to reduce the number of redirects and HTTP requests in your site design. You can also improve your site’s response times and image compression by optimizing your architecture. These solutions will make your site load faster and, eventually and rank higher in the search pages.

2. Optimize your content.

Regardless of how engaging your content may seem to be, it’s still important to apply the right SEO approach to further increase your site’s visibility to potential clients.

One thing’s for sure, you want to do a full SEO audit first. Using tools such as Screaming Frog, you can generate full reports containing all the pages you will need to consider for optimization.  Next, you may need to do keyword research and planning. This is essential as it will help you identify keywords and key phrases that you can include in your content to raise its visibility.

Still, SEO can be a broad area to deal with. You’re probably going to have trouble with these upgrades, unless you’re already an experienced SEO specialist. You may want to get the expert help you will need from professional. With SEO, it’s always a good idea to hire people who know the area market. You can hire a Denver SEO company, for instance, to help you promote your Colorado-based business startup.  

3. Leverage your social media presence.

If you haven’t used social media in your digital marketing yet, then you’re missing out on a lot of benefits.

One thing’s for sure, you should choose a diverse range of site traffic sources. While you can always rely on direct and organic search, you also need to promote your site content across social media channels such as Facebook and Twitter.

Leveraging your social media presence can greatly widen your reach, allowing you to get more traffic to your site.

4. Get a needed boost.

Growing your networks to include influencers and current clients can greatly support your goal of increasing site traffic.

These users can act as brand advocates who can vouch for your startup and influence others into taking interest on your brand. Remember to nurture this network of advocates by providing them with freebies as well as mentioning them in the content you are sharing.