Home Ideaspotting SeatSwoop – Swop Your Seats During An Event

SeatSwoop – Swop Your Seats During An Event


So you’re in the middle of an exciting basketball game and you realize that yours may not be the best seat in the house… but for obvious reasons there’s simply no way you can change your seat for a better view mid-game. Or is there? Here’s a recently launched mobile application called SeatSwoop (www.seatswoop.com) that allows you to do exactly that.

SeatSwoop is an in-game seat swapping marketplace targeted at event goers that allows users to find another seat at the event venue when they’re already there. Simply scour the app for available seats in the event you’re at, and when you find a better one you can simply bid for it, and move over if successful. It also works for those who have to leave an event early for some reason – you can list your seat for sale to help defray part of the costs of the ticket. There’s no in-app monetary transaction here – through the app’s real time ticket exchange, buyers and sellers simply chat within the app and meet up to swap tickets for cash.

We’re not sure if this contravenes any venue guidelines – some event spaces may ban such seat swopping practice – but it’s an interesting way to trade for better seats. And this can certainly extend beyond sports events along – think concerts and conferences for example. Just make sure you swop seats during the breaks to minimize disruption.