Home Events & Happenings If You’re A MaD Entrepreneur, Hong Kong Wants You

[Event][Hong Kong] If You’re A MaD Entrepreneur, Hong Kong Wants You


If you’re an Asia-based entrepreneur or are looking to establishing links in Asia, you may want to check out the Make a Difference (MaD) Venture Fellows Programme. Ventures selected by the Hong Kong based initiative will be invited to attend a 4-day program in Hong Kong from January 24-27, 2013 to meet potential investors and partners, identify growth opportunities that Hong Kong can offer, and network with other fellows. As part of the program, there’s the MaD Ventures Salon on Jan 25, 2013, where the MaD Venture Fellows will meet and showcase their ventures to potential investors and partners.

“We seek to celebrate and support do good and do well ventures. The MaD Venture Fellows Programme will be of interest to entrepreneurs who are looking for investors, partners, networks and market opportunities to take their businesses to the next level,” says Rachel Chan, convenor of the program.

“We are interested in ventures that can bring about economic, social and/or environmental benefits alongside financial returns in diverse sectors, from environment/energy, health care/biotech/wellness, education/life long learning to technology that enhances productivity and connectivity. We also welcome participation from ventures that develop happy work force, deliver superb customer service and manage a socially responsible supply chain,” Rachel Chan explains, adding that they’re looking for entrepreneurs ‘mad’ enough to change the world in a big way.

“Hong Kong has a lot to offer to entrepreneurs looking for opportunities to scale their businesses,’ Chan asserts. “It is an ideal launch pad for developing and introducing new products and services into the international market. Hong Kong is an extremely well-connected and incredibly efficient and reliable city in every sense, from the ICT infrastructure, transport to the business and professional communities.”

MaD applicants should be from early to growth stage, with at least one year of track record. The founder should be 35 or below at the time the venture was established. Interested parties can apply online on or before Oct 28, 2012 on the MaD website.