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Don’t Forget The Dull Stuff When Setting Up A Business – Internet Security


by Lorena Benchis

Starting your own business can be exciting and challenging, but you have to have the basics in place to make sure your business can function properly.

It may not be much fun but there are certain things that every business needs, including having insurance policies, a good accounting system and security in place. Security may not be the first thing you think about if you do not have any stock or a warehouse or premises. However, there’s one type of security that every business today needs and that’s Internet security.

Antivirus software is an absolute essential for any business that operates online or uses online communication in any way. A security business can help to ensure that a business is set up with the proper protection to operate safely. No system is now completely safe from the huge array of viruses and Trojans that are found all over the web and the new ones that are being released daily. If your business data gets stolen or compromised by hackers then your business reputation could be ruined.

The first thing you should do if you don’t have any Internet security is to download antivirus for free. This will give you a basic level of cover while you decide exactly what kind of internet security suite you need for your business.

Most small businesses will have a mixture of PC, Mac and smartphones or tablets that they use to access the Internet. All of these devices can be infiltrated by viruses or Trojans, so it’s important that you get cover for all of them. If you are a one-man band, then you may be able to manage with just a multi-device license which covers different systems. However, if you have five or more computers then you’ll probably need a business license.

With mobile antivirus software, it’s a really good idea to trial a product before buying it. Kaspersky mobile antivirus is available as a free trial download, and this gives you a chance to see how user-friendly it is on the small screen, as well as noting how much battery power and memory it takes up.

Once you’ve got a good internet security subscription sorted out, you can get back to the business of making your business fly!


Lorena Benchis has been working from home as a marketing consultant for the past ten years. It’s not always an ideal working environment, but she could never go back to being an employee after a decade of self-employed freedom.