Home Ideaspotting Denventory.com: Keeping Track Of What You Own

Denventory.com: Keeping Track Of What You Own


Inventory tracking and management apps are not new; there are even mobile-based apps that allow you to track inventories from your iPad, for example. But that’s not stopping Denventory (www.denventory.com) from trying to make a name for itself in that space: the web-based home inventory system aims to help individuals keep track of possessions at home or in the office.

Created by Austin Kelly, 24, the application allows users to store records and information on items, so you can upload pictures, certificates, records of insurance and other important data on each inventory item for easy reference in the future. Basic use of the application is free, although there are premium paid options for additional, improved features. It’s particularly useful, for example, for small business or home business owners to keep track of their office items (especially if they need to separate personal items and items owned by their business for tax or audit purposes).

Kelly, a 2010 Information Technology graduate of the University of Arkansas in Fort Smith, founded and developed Denventory after experiencing firsthand the overwhelming task of creating a home inventory. “Anyone who has lost a material possession, such as a mobile phone or a laptop computer, knows that having tangible proof of ownership and a traceable record is crucial,” says Kelly, who took six months to develop the app alone (although he did hire contractors for certain aspects of the app). “Creating a home inventory can be overwhelming and complicated, but (now) it doesn’t have to be.”

Kelly concedes that while the app is nowhere near perfection, he intends to continue introducing new features in the future. “Future applications of the system are also being explored such as a product recall lookup and more. A synchronous mobile application is already in development,” he adds.


  1. Denventory looks like it has completely ripped off StuffSafe, which has been around much longer. I’m not really sure I’d trust my stuff at a place like that.

  2. What’s the difference between Denventory and other free apps such as Compartments or Belongings?

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