Home Thinking Aloud 5 Lies Told Online That People Still Believe

5 Lies Told Online That People Still Believe


by Carmen Jacob, co-founder of UpJourney

Today, we’ll talk about 5 lies told online most people still believe without a question. The reasons why we believe these things are either wishful thinking, conspiracy theories, or plain and simple laziness.

Here you have five lies told online you might want to question from now on:

1. “I have read the terms and conditions.

That is a lie that you say quite often. Don’t you?

People lie often; that is true! But this lie can cost you a lot.

There are talks among our legislators to band the right to small print. The reason is simple. The small print might be the essential part of the contracts we sign. Yet, because it’s small, people tend to get lazy and don’t read; it seems not important because our logic says that what’s important should be in big letters or emphasized in some way.

2. Quotes attributed to famous people… Long gone.

“The internet is the most dangerous thing for the humankind.” (Julius Caesar)

That is an exaggeration; it’s evident that Caesar didn’t know about computers or the internet. However, most quotes online attributed to famous people or subtle; are designed to give more power and authority to some ideas that, otherwise, would be overlooked or disregarded.

3. “You’ll make a difference by doing [that] or the [other].”

Signing up for a cause and giving your money to unknown entities does not implicitly help you make a difference in the world.

You can contribute to a better world in many different ways, and most of them don’t need to pay your way in.

4. Advertising and slogans.

“We have the cure for baldness.”

“Doctors don’t want you to know.”

“No pain, no gain.”

“The shocking story…”

You can find plenty of examples (like the ones above) that lie to you online; advertising or promoting things you shouldn’t believe or to stay away from.

You can recognize when an advert or slogan might be a lie by:

  • Contains words that evoke in you an intense emotion;
  • It’s too good to be true;
  • It’s (very) expensive or too cheap;
  • It makes you rush to take a decision (scarcity);
  • It makes you feel worthless if you don’t supposedly “take advantage” of the offer.

5. “All your friends (except you) have amazing lives.”

That is the biggest lie told by social media; not intentionally, but, more and more acute.

People, these days, can fall into depression because of the social media. The more time they spend checking what others are doing, the last adequate they feel. Your life can seem tedious and dull by comparison to what you see happening in others lives.

Every day you see only tiny fragments of other people’s lives. Plus, they don’t share unimportant, dull, and unsuccessful moments.

Out of your few thousand friends on social media, you see maybe 10 or 20 posts; of course, those posts can give you the impression that others are more successful and happier than you are.

Now, note that we believe to be true what we see written down. We don’t conceive the idea that someone could lie and leave evidence behind. Therefore what you read on the internet might seem the absolute truth.

Keep your mind open, be less gullible, and remind yourself (when surfing the internet) that no one is checking what people say online.

There is no entity to govern the validity or honesty of what is written online. You are bombarded with testimonials and opinions about how you should live your life, and, if there is an expert on how to make your life great, beautiful, and happy, that expert is you.


Carmen Jacob is the co-founder of UpJourney. She is the creator of several personal development programs, courses, and books, which focus on using what you already have to improve your life and the life of those around you. Her knowledge is based on research, personal experience and the experience of working with clients for the past 12 years.