Home Advice For The Young At Heart 6 Ways To Get Promoted You May Not Have Considered

6 Ways To Get Promoted You May Not Have Considered


by Jennifer Carter, Outbounding.com

There comes a time during your professional career that you feel you are deserving of a promotion. However, your boss might not always recognize this moment at the same time you do, and may need a little nudge. If you want to propel your career forward, you might consider trying some creative methods for getting yourself promoted outside of working diligently.

Consider the ideas below – hopefully one will work for you.

1. Ask.

Okay, so this isn’t a very creative or particularly clever promotion idea, but you’d be surprised how many employees think about asking for a raise or promotion but never do for fear of getting turned down. Being denied a promotion is of course a possibility, but by asking for one, you’ve already initiated a conversation in which you can then ask your boss what you might need to do in order to be considered for a promotion in the near future.

2. Work for a Company With High Room For Growth.

If you can find a position within a quickly growing small business, or a large company that often promotes from within, then it will be much easier for you to gain a promotion. This of course entails doing a bit of research and having foresight before actually taking a position. If you’re already working for a company that shows little possibility for promotion, then you might want to think about a career change.

3. Make Friends With the Boss.

Sometimes easier said than done, but this promotion idea is one of the surefire ways to get yourself promoted. Sometimes a good relationship with management is the clincher, especially if there are several other likely candidates for a promotion. Having a good relationship with the boss gives you the extra edge over your co-workers.

4. Be Energetic and Enthusiastic.

Many employees begin to appear dissatisfied, disgruntled, or unmotivated if they feel they aren’t going to get a promotion or a raise. While these feelings are natural, they are also a sure deterrent for promotion. Management will pick up on your attitude, and if the ideas of a promotion for you had been in the works, then it is likely to be disregarded. Management wants employees that are energetic and enthused about their work, and are much more likely to promote someone with fervor and motivation.

5. Dress for the Part.

You’ve likely heard the saying before going for an interview, “Dress for the job you want, not the one you have.” The same holds true even after an interview and throughout your days in the office. Even if you’re a hard worker, appearance often plays a role in many people’s eyes. Dressing professionally on a consistent basis and appearing well organized and confident denotes a strong image of success. This image is likely to propel you forward in the eyes of management and your co-workers, and increase the chances of you being singled out for a promotion.

6. Develop Your Skills.

We all possess some sort of business skill that sets us apart from the other employees in the office. Maybe you’re a great communicator, possess strong leadership qualities, are great at figuring out viable solutions to problems the company may be facing, or are especially organized and efficient. Figure out what you business skill is, and showcase it in your work as much as you can. Having a unique skill or set of skills helps you stand out. This promotion idea also enable you to work for the betterment of yourself, your team, and your company, and so can only be a win-win action all around.


Jennifer Carter stays busy writing on various topics, including professional development, for Outbounding.com. In her spare time she’s quite handy; she’s currently working on a confined space entry certification.