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Are You In Fear Of Failure? How A Shift In Mindset Can Change That

People should change their mindset about failure, say Dr. Akintoye Akindele and Olakunle Soriyan. They share four ways of looking at failure to help do that.

Stressed Out Financially? Join The Club; Here Are 3 Tips To Reduce The Worries

Financial stress can seem overwhelming and unmanageable if you have no steps in place. Here are three ways to reduce financial stress.

Why Businesses That Embrace Diversity Will Have An Edge In Tough Economic Times

Diversity, equity and inclusion isn’t just a feel-good initiative; it’s a significant contributor to business success, insists Dr Nika White.

3 Lessons For Those Struggling To Overcome Dark Times

What Carlos Legaspy has learned about difficult times is that he can either shut down, wither and fade away – or he can fight back.

Don’t Doom Your New Business With These Naming Mistakes

From Fashism to, the list of startups doomed by a naming disaster is far longer than the successes. Grant Polachek shares some naming mistakes to avoid.

How To Prevent Fear, Uncertainty And Doubt From Derailing Your Retirement Plan

Insulate yourself from the media-fueled FUD and create your own financial narrative and protect your retirement plan, says Barry Spencer.

How SaaS Companies Can Survive Economic Winter

SaaS firms, tend to wash out when the economic tidal wave crashes down on them. Only those that have figured out their unique customer offerings will survive.

Safeguarding Your Digital Identity

For years, we’ve been mindlessly walking into the world of the digital surveillance state, says Dr Gordon Jones. It's time to look at safeguarding one's digital identity.

Get Proactive With Your Mental Health – 5 Tips And Tricks

Katie Sandler, a career development and impact coach, offers 5 ways people can help keep their mental health in check.

4 Saving And Funding Tips To Make College Affordable For Your Child

Good financial planning helps many families put their children on the path to a four-year degree. Here are some tips on saving and funding for college.

Want To Stop The Endless Rollercoaster Ride? A Life Coach Can Help

Feeling lost in life? Many people have turned to life coaches to give them the insight and guidance they desperately need.

3 Founder’s Secrets To Surprisingly Effective Meetings

CT Leong of EngageRocket offers some tips to help you get right on track to having more effective meetings for yourself and your teams.

What To Do When Life Disrupts Your Plans

No matter how carefully we lay plans, at some point life is going to disrupt us and pull us off course. Rebecca Ward offers 3 Fs as tips to follow.

Companies Must Focus On Growth, Not Recession

Businesses should continue to invest in growth strategies because there are — in the current economy — still plenty of opportunities for most companies in most industries.
young woman in office

Three Ways To Create Meaningful Relationships As A Female Entrepreneur

Are you a woman entrepreneur? Christena Garduno shares three ways to create meaningful relationships as a female entrepreneur.

Has Dress For Success Lost Its Meaning? 

In today’s more casual workplaces, dressing for success means showing that you can accurately assess and align with the unspoken rules of your organization’s dress culture, says Vicky Oliver.
NFT marketplace

Here Are 4 Ways NFTs Are Doing Good In The World

David Siemer shares four examples of the many ways NFTs are already being used for the collective good of society.

Life After Career Death

A hard-working Client hires a Coach, searching for a way to find himself. Just five days later, on a Monday morning, he finds himself unemployed. What happens when you are let go?

Can A ‘Trained Monkey’ Sell For Your Company? No Way.

Trained monkeys may be able to do some routine tasks, like putting small items into boxes. But to sell for your company? No way, says Steve Weinberg.

Coming Up With Creative Ideas Is Not About Reinventing The Wheel

Hussain Almossawi shares six tips that can help you to come up with creative ideas, even when you feel like you're stuck.
business meeting charts

The Search For Success Measures

Defining and measuring success can be difficult if you are only looking through a single lens. Perspective is important, says by Patti Phillips Ph.D. and Jack J. Phillips Ph.D., authors of "Show the Value of What You Do".

Supporting Entrepreneurs For A Better Tomorrow

Two-thirds of Gen Z have already started or are planning to start their own business. We need to support them in their endeavours, says Kawal Preet.

Why Giving Your Knowledge Away For Free Will Make You Rich

Giving away your knowledge could be seen as a ‘loss’ when you could be charging for it. Sarah Cordiner, CEO of MainTraining, shares more.

The Dangerous Impact Of Burnout On Our Social Lives

Expansive intimacy can help deal with the impact of burnout. Ji Young shares how working on social bonds can mitigate stress and burnout.

How I Work Is As Important As What I Do. This Has Helped Me...

Building work spaces that honor living processes and relationships is essential to successful outcomes, says Libby Hoffman.

4 Strategies To Mindfully Enhance Your Creativity 

Mindfulness helps your creativity. Ronald A. Alexander shares four techniques to help you ignite your creativity.

How To Feel Grateful When You Just… Don’t (A Thanksgiving Message for Tough Times)

While Thanksgiving is fast approaching, you may be feeling anything but grateful. Walter Bond explains how adopting a “shark-like” mindset can spark true thankfulness… even in hard times.  

Adapting To A New Work-Life Balance Post-Pandemic

Take time to identify and deploy best practices for remote and hybrid work, you'll flourish in the next normal with a new work-life balance.

Dynamic Stars Co-Founder Brad Zackson’s Exclusive Tips For Purchasing Real Estate In A Tight...

What should you do when buying real estate in a tight market? Brad Zackson shares some tips to secure your investment.

Learning More Languages Could Benefit Your Business

Being bilingual — even in a language that’s not widely spoken — serves many benefits as an entrepreneur, says Mike Szczesny.