Home Events & Happenings 2011 Asia Social Venture Academy Open For Applications

2011 Asia Social Venture Academy Open For Applications


The Asia Social Venture Academy is a four-day social entrepreneurship program by Foundation for Youth Social Entrepreneurship (FYSE) recruits 200 entrepreneurial and socially-conscious young leaders from around the world to work alongside leading Asian social entrepreneurs. It’s a great way to  learn about social issues in the Asian region, as well as obtain an insight into solutions and approaches to tackle some of the world’s most toughest challenges. So if you are between the ages of 20 – 35 years of age, ambitious, innovative & socially aware, with a strong passion for social entrepreneurship and the ambition to launch your own social enterprise, you may want to check its program agenda out.

FYSE) offers a focused opportunity to dialogue with the most interesting “movers and shakers” working in social entrepreneurship in China and worldwide. I left the meeting inspired, refreshed, more informed, and ready to make inroads in my own career in social entrepreneurship and Fair Trade alongside new colleagues and friends,” says Teresa DelLaurentis, a previous participant. The program features mentors and speakers like Joe Madiath, founder of India-based Gram Vikas, Bunker Roy, founder of Barefoot College (India), Jonathan Hursh, founder of Compassion for Migrant Children (China) and Sam Goldman, founder of d.light (Hong Kong).

The next program will run from May 19 to 22 and takes place in Hong Kong. The application deadline is February 1, 2011, so you may want to hurry and apply.


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